Great Health Guide

Editor's letter


There is a great deal of informatio­n on how to maintain healthy bodies, covering a consistent exercise regime, eating fresh and wholesome foods, staying hydrated during the day, sleeping well and unplugging from mobile phones/ internet for mental rest. These points are discussed in detail in the article, The Big 5 for Health.

Another aspect of staying mentally healthy that is not often discussed is the value found in friendship. Good friendship is one of the most valuable influences in our lives. From our early beginnings, human beings have been a social species, living in groups to support and protect one another. This socialisin­g nature of people has filled a specific need that provides the brain with a sense of belonging, safety and security. It is a shared experience with other people through friendship that allows us to thrive mentally, emotionall­y and maintain good health.

The article in this issue, Fully Thriving is Found in Friendship provides reasons why friendship is vital to a thriving life, by reducing the effect of anxiety, depression and loneliness. To stay healthy and truly thrive, our brains need socialisat­ion. This article discusses how nurturing friendship­s starts with you. Over the past three years COVID-19 pandemic has restricted the way that we usually interact, so it is important to increase ways to safely socialise. The author suggests connection by phone, zoom and facetime as well as sending a handwritte­n letter. Showing gratitude and kindness to friends and smiling more to strangers, helps to keep us thriving as well.

So, until next time, keep working on the Big 5 and be determined to develop good friendship­s to fully thrive. Kathryn x

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