Guitar Techniques



Exam ple 6 Here, bar 41 contains a ‘ladder’ of consecutiv­e ascending 5ths 12 13 15 17 played in groups or stacks of three. This is then followed in bar 42 by a series of 14 14 5hs each played on a single string using a wide stretch with the fretting hand. Exam ple 7 This example features a series of descending three-note ‘stacks’ of 33 scale 5ths, taken down the scale in the same neck area (vertical motion).

Exam 12 ple 8 Continuing 17 the stacked 15 5ths theme, 14 in bar 59 of this 12 example 15 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 we see a succession of stacked 5ths alternatin­g between ascending and descending through the scale. This scheme is shifted up along the length of the bottom three strings with the help of an occasional slide. Remember you can tweak these ideas in all manner of ways in your own playing.

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