Guitar Techniques




HERE WE HAVE a couple of ideas that illustrate the technique of combining artificial harmonics with fretted notes, known as ‘harp harmonics’. Hold down the appropriat­e chord then sound the strings using either your picking-hand thumb and third finger, or pick and third finger while touching the harmonic ‘node’ point 12 frets above the note in the chord fingering (see tab). The notes should then alternate between harmonics Am11

Am11 and picked notes. This sounds more complicate­d than it really is. If you are accurate with both hands and approach with a light touch everything should be fine; just let the notes ring into each other where possible. A touch of chorus, compressio­n and delay will make everything sound sweeter and Eric Johnson-esque. Also, check out players such as Lenny Breau, Chet Atkins and Tommy Emmanuel, the masters of this technique.

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