Guitar Techniques

Instrument­al inquisitio­n!

Guitar instrument­als have supplied some of music’s most evocative moments. We asked some top guitarists for their take on this iconic movement. Today we meet ex-Jethro Tull and now successful solo artist Martin Barre.


GT: What is it about instrument­als that appeals to you?

MB: I approach instrument­als and songs in exactly the same way. They need to be ‘complete’ musically in their basic form. Sometimes a song I have written becomes an instrument­al and the opposite happens as well. Taking away the impact that words have for the listener, I’m left with a clear vision of a finished piece of music and I have total control of the end product.

GT: What can an instrument­al provide a listener that a vocal song can’t?

MB: I think the listener will focus on a vocal performanc­e and the lyrical content with a song. An instrument­al focuses on the guitar (or mandolin etc) and the constructi­on of the music is much more apparent. This gives the writer a wider range in the depth of constructi­on, be it simple and melodic (Jeff Beck) or very complex (Scott Henderson).

GT: Any tendencies with instrument­als that you aim to embrace or avoid?

MB: I’m still on a learning curve with my writing, especially with songs. I move forward (hopefully) with every record I make and am constantly reviewing my own abilities, noting where I could improve in various areas. I write with a very open mind and start in my studio (after a couple of coffees!) with no agenda, so anything can happen; including nothing. Mostly, as I love writing, ideas emerge and I record all my ‘scribbles’ for the next day’s jury …which is me ! I want music to be accessible to the listener and try to make the content intense but subtle.

GT: Is a typical song structure (intro, verse, chorus, middle, outro, etc) always relevant for an instrument­al?

MB: Yes, I think the form of music follows a logical format. It keeps the interest and provides dynamics and space. Instrument­al music needs this formula more than a song

 ??  ?? Martin Barre playing his PRS P22 “It does pretty much everything”
Martin Barre playing his PRS P22 “It does pretty much everything”

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