Guitar Techniques




Jerry Cantrell 9/10

“I’ve been in the band for almost 34 years now,” Cantrell tells us. “It’s always my foremost commitment, but it’s nice to explore different things.” And so it was that after the last AIC tour JC fixed his sights on this solo flight. Brighten never wanders far from the guitar-heavy, anthemic and sometimes doomy fare for which Cantrell’s band is famous, the title track being a case in point. On the first single, Atone he channels his fondness for Ennio Morricone movies, telling us, “It’s got a bit of that outlaw vibe…” Black Hearts And Evil Done is dark and menacing, Siren Song is punky and powerful - there is so much here for AIC fans to enjoy. A helter-skelter of an album! [DM]

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