Guitar Techniques


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A7-D7 Vamp

This two-chord vamp was specifical­ly designed for exploring the switch between the I7 chord and the IV7 chord, which is of course very common in blues. A Minor Pentatonic (A-C-D-E-G) works throughout, but try A Mixolydian (A-B-C#-D-E-F#-G) on the A7 chords and then switch to A Dorian (A-B-C-D-E-F#-G) – also known as D Mixolydian – for the D7 chords.

G Minor Groove Jam

Bb- G Minor Pentatonic (G- C-D-F) works throughout this jam, but for extra colour, use G Dorian

Bb- mode (G-A- C-D-E-F) for the main sections, and then switch to

Bb- Eb- the G Minor (G-A- C-D- F) for the B sections.

Acoustic Blues (A)

You’ll get off to a great start mixing the happy sounding A Major Pentatonic (A-B-C#-E-F#) with the moodier A Minor Pentatonic (A-C-D-E-G) on this jam. Take note of how the various intervals from each scale work against the chords.

D Dorian Jam

This track was made for exploring D Dorian (D-E-F-G-A-B-C), but you can also use D Minor Pentatonic (D-F-G-A-C) and of course the bluesy D Minor Blues scale (D-F-G-G#-A-C). Happy jamming! Visit and subscribe to QuistTV for more jam tracks, licks and Wednesday Warm-ups. Quist’s latest album Loop Improvisat­ions, Vol. 1 is out now and you can also find him on Spotify, Instagram & Patreon.

 ?? ?? Try your best Eric Bibb licks on jam track #3
Try your best Eric Bibb licks on jam track #3
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