
what should i Buy? Something Different?


Q I’ve tried Strats and Teles. I tried a Les Paul (albeit an Epiphone) and a 335 (likewise). I haven’t gone as far as a PRS, but I do find myself looking longingly at Jaguars and Jazzmaster­s, before shying away from either, because I’m not ‘down with the kids’ enough, or I worry that I won’t understand all the switches.

So, come on, Guitarist – what is out there to interest me? What is different from the norm that doesn’t cost thousands? I’m not interested in pointy rock axes, Floyd Rose trems or more strings. Not too expensive will do just fine.

John Wick, via email

A Rest assured, you are not alone, John, so we’ll do our best to turn your head to something with which you can bond, and perhaps stand out from the pack.

You don’t mention what types of music you’re into, but given that all the classic guitars have been used in more genres than they haven’t, we guess it doesn’t really matter all that much.

We’re going to set the budget well under £1,000 for you, avoid the ‘big’ brands and assume that you’re after more than one pickup. There’s plenty to choose from out there, but here are three to get you started…

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