
Example 1 Tremolo Arm Moves & Tapped Harmonics


thIs InItIal lIck kicks off with the A string E note that’s approached from below by picking the string and then releasing the already depressed tremolo arm – simplePbhu­ilt After this, we have some open-string pull-offs followed by a series

aRrhtyifti­hcimalic‘taaprmpemd­o’hveasrmano­dnitcasp.pTehdehtar­ricmkotnoi­cpslaying these well is to make sure the string is constantly in motion via your fretting hand vibrato and that you also tap the node points in exactly the right

AlNthoLuEg­AhRyoNu-shVoAuNld these exactly over the fret wire, sometimes tapping a point a teeny bit either side will get better results. Experiment and before long it will become second nature.

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