

- by ed mitchell

We’ve all Done it. one day you’re sniffing innocently through eBay looking at gear. the next, you’re trying to stuff an ancient Hammond M100 organ and a leslie 760 rotating speaker cab into the back of an old volkswagen camper. oh, just me, then?

the deal was too good to pass up. £575 for a chopped and studioread­y 60s Hammond, apparently the same model used by ian Mclagan of the Small Faces, plus a well-maintained leslie. Better still… the price included a twoinput preamp box. this means i can plug a guitar in.

now, i’ve tried every leslie simulator you can imagine over the years. none match the sheer exhilarati­on of the surroundso­und whoosh of the real thing. My leslie is a less-desirable solid-state model, but, warmed up by my new Maxon OD-808 tube Screamer (c £95), i get epically close to eric Clapton’s Badge sound.

there is some gristle. the 760 weighs a spine-wrecking 68kg. the organ is way heavier. Gawd only knows how the pre-roadie, infamously minuscule Small Faces got Mac’s gear up a flight of stairs. Yes, a pedal is more convenient, but now i’ve experience­d the genuine article, it’s all or nothing for me.

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