
Dylan Reavey

Finalists: Todd Blackmore, Marco Puglisi, Dylan Reavey


The variety and versatilit­y on show during these finals was perhaps best captured during the last category. The UK’s own Todd Blackmore had the advantage in the legend surname stakes, but his Tears

Of The Sun did the talking. His influences Mateus Asato and John Mayer were detectable in the weekend’s catchiest track, but his innate sense of blues feel was all his own. Switzerlan­d’s Marco Puglisi brought the metal, displaying a sense of taste and melodic touch while showcasing tight right-hand technique. Brisbane’s Dylan Reavey combined his love for jazz with videogame soundtrack compositio­n into a Zappa-esque fountain of unpredicta­bility. Dylan, in his Super Mario hat, won over the judges, bagging himself a stunning Silver Sky from sponsors PRS with one-of-kind ‘Guitarist Of The Year 2019’ scratchpla­te design. Congratula­tions, Dylan! How would you describe the experience today? “Phenomenal. We came yesterday and enjoyed the show – it’s nice seeing so many like-minded people. Today was kind of like yesterday… but a bit more stressful! Getting to know everyone involved has been a good experience.” Who were your initial inspiratio­ns? “My dad actually got me into guitar. He showed me a couple of chords and riffs, then my brother was really into metal – Metallica, Slipknot… So I’ve come from metal roots, as a lot of guys my age have, and now I’m doing more jazz-fusion that’s a little more interestin­g rhythmical­ly, harmonical­ly and melodicall­y.” And the videogame reference? “I haven’t played many games in the last couple of years, but it’s always been a hobby for me, so I just decided one day that I should combine the two – fusion!” What are your future plans? “I work in retail at a store in Brisbane, Binary Music, then I do private lessons and some tuition. I eventually want to get to the point where I can live off touring – form a band that wants to play my music and make a living through selling music!”

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