
Carpe diem


“Life’s too short to drink bad wine” is a quote we often hear, but can often overlook. We buy wines that are cheap, expensive, to cellar or drink now – it doesn’t matter as long as they’re good, right? Most people who can tell the difference between a Bin

389 and a ‘smooth red blend’ that comes in a box will quite often choose a select few bottles to stash away for a special occasion. However, many people struggle with the invisible barrier that lies between you and the door handle of your wine fridge or cellar.

It softly whispers to you every time you look inside, saying, “You’re saving this bottle for something special!” Or “There’s no way you could open that on any given weeknight!” Sound familiar? Quite often this voice dominates our thoughts around how we enjoy (or don’t enjoy) our wines. Wine anxiety, as I call it, is the fear of opening a bottle you may never be able to find again, or that’s most likely too expensive for a Tuesday night. This can often lead to bottles being forgotten or put so high up on a pedestal you may never approach them for fear of a better occasion arising.

My tip? Give yourself licence, within reason, to enjoy your wine selection; after all, that’s why we collect and cellar. What do I mean by this? Label your ‘special-occasion bottles’ and stick to those decisions. Earmark those bottles and store them in their own special spot. As for the rest? Simply choose to enjoy them. Wine is made to be enjoyed, whether now or down the track is the decision to make, with Halliday as our guide. The easiest way I navigate my cellar is to enjoy my wine in good company. That way you’ll always win. Life’s too short, so open the bottle you love to drink and, if you’re in good company, it will love you back.


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