Home Beautiful




What are the greatest benefits of bringing connectivi­ty into the kitchen? There are some obvious advantages – like knowing what is on and what is off when you leave the house. It’s having greater control, and having it remotely, over what’s going on in your kitchen. It’s useful for slow-cooked food – you can put something in the slow cooker and go to work, and then turn it off again remotely at 4pm. It’s also about getting time back. A few years ago the idea of having a fridge connected to the internet seemed ridiculous, and now you can check whether or not you have milk in the fridge via an app on your smartphone, or order your groceries from the fridge door so you don’t even have to leave the house. 2 What is your best advice on investing in smart kitchen appliances? Always go for brands you know and recognise, that have a good history in Australia. You want to know you’re spending money with a brand that is going to be around in two to five years when you want to upgrade, or to help if any problems arise. It’s also about educating yourself. Read all the magazines and do your research. Find out about what is on the market now and what is coming next so you can weigh up what to buy now and what to wait for. 3 What’s on the top of your wish list and why? I am surprised at how much I am leaning towards an internet-enabled fridge. I also like the idea of having appliances that I can control from my phone; there is definitely appeal in that. But, as someone who loves baking, an oven with really even and accurate temperatur­e control is important for me.

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