Home Beautiful



Serves 8

2 x 200g punnets grape snacking

tomatoes, halved (see tip) 2 medium red onions, cut into

2cm wedges

Olive oil cooking spray

2 x 1.4kg butternut pumpkins

(see tip)

¼ cup olive oil

1 tbsp ground harissa (Middle

Eastern spice blend)

2 cloves garlic, crushed 1L vegetable stock

2½ cups (400g) Israeli pearl

couscous (see tip)

½ cup thinly sliced mint

½ cup chopped flat-leaf parsley ⅔ cup roasted pecans, sliced Arils of 1 pomegranat­e

100g marinated Persian feta


2 tbsp white wine vinegar 2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp pomegranat­e molasses

or honey

1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Line three large oven trays with baking paper. Spread tomato and onion across one of the prepared trays. Spray with oil. Season with salt. Roast for 20-25 minutes, or until tomato halves are shrivelled around the edges. Set aside.

2. Meanwhile, cut pumpkins into 2½cm-thick rounds, leaving the skin on. Remove and discard seeds and ends. Put pumpkin rounds into a large bowl and drizzle with oil. Toss until combined. Sprinkle with harissa and crushed garlic. Toss until coated. Place on the remaining trays. Roast for about 30-35 minutes, or until lightly golden and then remove from the oven.

3. Meanwhile, bring vegetable stock to the boil in a large saucepan. Add the couscous and stir. Reduce to low, cover and cook, stirring occasional­ly, for about 10-12 minutes or until tender and all or most of the stock has absorbed. Transfer couscous to a large bowl and allow to cool. Any remaining stock will absorb on cooling.

4. To make dressing, put half the roasted tomato in a blender with remaining ingredient­s. Season well. Process until smooth.

5. Add dressing to couscous and stir until the pearls are separated and coated in dressing. Add remaining roasted tomato, onion, mint, parsley, sliced pecans and pomegranat­e arils. Toss until combined.

6. Arrange the pumpkin on a serving platter. Spoon over some of the salad. Sprinkle with some of the feta. Serve remaining salad in a bowl sprinkled with remaining feta.


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