Home Beautiful



⅓ cup botrytis (dessert wine)

or moscato

600g sponge finger biscuits


125g punnet raspberrie­s


20g gelatine leaves

750ml sparkling rosé wine ½ cup caster sugar

Vanilla Zabaglione

6 egg yolks

½ cup caster sugar

2 tsp vanilla bean paste

½ cup botrytis (dessert wine)

or moscato

300ml thickened cream, whipped

Italian Meringue

3 egg whites

⅔ cup caster sugar

1. To make jelly, soak gelatine leaves in cold water for 5 minutes, or until soft. Heat rosé and sugar in a saucepan over a medium heat until hot and sugar has dissolved. Squeeze liquid from gelatine leaves and add to pan. Stir until dissolved. Allow to cool for

20 minutes. Pour into a 4 litre trifle bowl or glass cylindrica­l vase. Refrigerat­e for 3 hours or until set.

2. Meanwhile, to make vanilla zabaglione, whisk egg yolks, sugar, vanilla paste and wine in a large heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, making sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water, for about 10-12 minutes or until pale and thick. Sit bowl in a large bowl of iced water and whisk occasional­ly until cool. Cover and refrigerat­e zabaglione for 2 hours to chill and thicken more.

3. Fold whipped cream through zabaglione until combined. Spread a large spoonful of zabaglione over jelly layer. Combine botrytis wine and ⅓ cup water in a small shallow bowl.

4. Using ⅓ of the sponge finger biscuits, dip one at time in wine mixture and place in two layers on top of zabaglione. Spoon ⅓ of the remaining zabaglione over the top. Repeat to make two more layers. Cover and refrigerat­e overnight.

5. To make Italian meringue, beat egg whites and sugar with a handheld electric mixer in a medium heatproof glass bowl over a saucepan of gently simmering water, on low, until the sugar dissolves, making sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water. Increase speed and beat for about 6 minutes or until glossy firm peaks form. Be careful not to overheat and cook egg white.

6. To serve, sprinkle half of the raspberrie­s on top of zabaglione. Spoon meringue on top and swirl to form peaks. Use a kitchen blow torch to singe meringue. Sprinkle remaining raspberrie­s on top and serve.

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