Home Beautiful



Tell us a bit about your new project with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and how it came about?

“I am an ambassador for the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and was approached to restore and bring life to parts of the garden at Como House.”

What’s the secret to reviving a heritage garden while still keeping the integrity of its original design?

“Don’t change the nature of the garden, respect the original intention of the spaces, preserve as many trees as you can and simplify layouts to suit modern living. The new garden uses flowering perennial plants that we use today in a contempora­ry way – it’s a modern twist on what existed.”

How do you design a garden that will be fruitful all year round?

“Integrate plants that flower in all seasons such as daphne for winter, blossom for spring, roses and perennials for summer and autumn.”

What are your tips for a large space?

“Over-scale all elements by using deep garden beds that appear luxurious in their plantings, large lawns for recreation and use large-growing trees to fill the sky with their canopies. Keep it simple and don’t overcompli­cate the layout.”

How could you take elements from Como House and use it in a home garden space?

“Wander around the [Como House] garden in all seasons and learn from its plants and trees. It may only be one plant you see that you love. [After] experienci­ng it in its optimum growing conditions, you will then know how and where to grow this plant.”

 ??  ?? Designer and National Trust ambassador Paul Bangay.
Designer and National Trust ambassador Paul Bangay.

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