
ImagineFX crit


“In my mind, Mike’s imagery harkens back to the style of art that was featured on a lot of D&D books from my teenage years. Yet there’s also a modern slant to his work: it’s an intriguing combinatio­n.” Cliff Hope, Operations Editor

1 Reckless Reveler

Oil on paper on panel, 12x16in

“I’m really happy with how this Magic card turned out. It’s a satyr lighting fire to a Trojan horse. It was difficult to make that clear, having two elements of different scale.”

2 Battlefiel­d Thaumaturg­e

Oil on panel, 12x16in

“This Magic: The Gathering card painting was used on the event deck packaging for the game. The client initially requested a shot from behind, but I suggested this alternativ­e pose and it was accepted.”

3 Clockwork Golem

Oil on panel, 12x16in

“I had a lot of fun with this, and would like to do more action-packed gaming art in the future. I really enjoy illustrati­ng multi-figure battle scenes.”

4 Aerie Worshipper­s

Oil on panel, 16x20in

“This painting was my first oil painting for Magic: The Gathering. Because of the classical theme, I chose to paint it quite a bit larger than card paintings are normally done. This painting is a finalist for the Art Renewal Center salon for imaginativ­e realist painting.”

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