


Hello Claire and everyone at ImagineFX. I wanted to write to tell you how much I enjoyed the animation special (issue 113) recently: it really opened my eyes to a different type of art. I also enjoyed the focus on Moonbot Studios – I want to work there one day! – and especially their refreshing idealism, captured in Brandon Oldenburg’s quote, “We look through the eyes of our younger selves, to keep our adult selves in check.” It’s great to know that in the art world we don’t ever have to properly grow up! Looking forward to the next animation issue (and every issue in between). Antonia Adams, via email Claire replies I totally agree Antonia, and I’m so pleased that you enjoyed issue 113. The animation industry produces countless amazing artists, and we wanted to put the focus on them with our cover and its workshop… but we have had many amazing animation artists in before, and we’ll feature them again, regardless of the cover theme. Thanks for writing in.

Hard to find in stores

First of all, a big thank you for making a great magazine. My inner artist has been trying to find his voice for years now, and I try to buy a copy of ImagineFX whenever I can to keep him happy.

But it can be hard to find your magazine on the shelves where I live, especially if the copies in Barnes & Noble have sold out. It’s sooo far to the next store, and though I like a long drive as much as anyone, I’d like to know if there are any plans on making the magazine available in a wider range of smaller shops around the mid-West? Kenny Hanson, via email Claire replies Thanks for your email Kenny. We’d love to sell ImagineFX in every store in the universe, but if you want every issue, every month, you should definitely look at our great subscripti­on deals. See page 30 for details.

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