
A tribute to Francis tsai


Artists are known for their introverte­d spirits, and this can be detrimenta­l to the way they promote themselves, but more so for women. But why are women conditione­d to have such a lack of confidence? Illustrato­r Rebecca Flaum says, “Young girls are much more strongly encouraged to be modest than boys are, and that training grows up with us. Girls are more likely to be accused of being show-offs and are often more strictly punished for bad behaviour, whereas boys often get dismissed with ‘boys will be boys’.”

Lauren adds that, “Young boys are encouraged to play rough and get dirty, while young girls are given dolls and told to be princesses. That all adds up over the years to feeling disincline­d to taking a stand against society norms. We’re also taught to seek safety and settle down – that’s the cliché, right? An artist’s life is the opposite of safe and secure.”

Role models

We recognise the fantastic drive and commitment of the artist who, despite being very ill, managed to keep painting right up to the end. Page 20 Yet it’s not just these inherent social structures that knock women’s confidence. “There may be another reason why women are less likely to put themselves out there and take risks. It’s the same reason I think

 ??  ?? Iris Compiet’s sketchbook proves women harbour just as much raw talent as their male counterpar­ts.
Iris Compiet’s sketchbook proves women harbour just as much raw talent as their male counterpar­ts.
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