


1 Photobashi­ng

The photo plate I used in the background informed most of the decisions I made throughout the image, such as lighting and compositio­n. I photo-bashed the foreground to match the lighting, also considerin­g the shape and flow of the rocks to aid the compositio­n.

2 A cohesive story

From here, I then got to work on the story elements and polishing up existing work, such as the figure. The main detail in this image was the figure so I spent majority of my time here. I then changed the original plate’s geography and added the city to give the image a cohesive story and secondary grab.

3 Detail and texture

Nearing the final stages of a painting, detail density and the human touch is highly important to me. I use a good old-fashioned paint brush to work over the image and get interestin­g strokes, while also dialing back the detail in places where it is not needed. I utilise the Mixer brush on the photos themselves to create texture and interestin­g elements.

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