


Lewis recommends the right art supplies for the job… For sketching and breakdowns I use a leadholder with an HB lead. Hold the pencil as far away from the tip as possible for faster, looser lines, choking up on it only for the fine details.

A leadholder sharpener. Gotta have one. Kneaded erasers can change shape, don’t tear up the paper, don’t leave behind eraser bits, and they can be used to either completely erase or just lighten up pencil work. Microns are wonderful for the way they respond to the paper. I usually use an 03 and an 005 for all my rendering and a 1 to fill in larger black areas. Some whiteout is handy – I prefer whiteout pens. Pentouch is fairly transparen­t while DecoColor is pretty opaque. I like having both options for correction­s, highlights, effects and so on.

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