


One good thing that these quick sketches force you to do is think about storytelli­ng. For this piece, I didn’t know what I was going to paint before I started. And I’m sure I spent the first 10 minutes going back and forth on what the subject matter was going to be. But eventually I started to illustrate a corridor and some shapes in the background.

Because I was working so fast and loose I began to think about smaller facets of the story. For example, how I do I express these ideas in a very simple visual language? Here, the two characters outside are clearly together, while the character in the foreground is alone. The foreground character represents the viewer and the background figures are the mystery and the action. As the viewer, you’re forced to walk into that microcosm of mystery. It’s the drama and mystery that really sells this piece. All of this was conceived while I was working. It’s pretty fun and adds a whole other layer to a piece that would otherwise have been pretty generic.

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