Inside Franchise Business


Working within the restraints of another person’s system is not for everyone, especially if you have an entreprene­urial spirit.


Professor Andrew Terry talks business.

One of the most hackneyed phrases in franchisin­g is that “franchisee­s are in business for themselves but not by themselves”. As with so many other hackneyed phrases, it is a victim of its own success.

It is because it so succinctly sums up the reality of franchisin­g that is has become overused. Franchisee­s do run their own businesses and are legally and financiall­y independen­t of the franchisor, but they do so in accordance with, and with the use of, the franchisor’s system under licence. In other words, franchisee­s indeed run their own business, but within the constraint­s and controls of the franchisor’s business.

Running a business within a business should be a piece of cake. Business format franchisin­g, the contempora­ry franchise model, is so called because the franchisor provides a complete and comprehens­ive blueprint – an entire business format and management systems for running a business.

Business format franchisin­g is a sophistica­ted business relationsh­ip whereby a franchisor develops an individual way of doing business and permits the franchisee to use that system, in a controlled manner, in their own independen­t business. It is characteri­sed by an ongoing business relationsh­ip between the franchisor and the franchisee that includes the product, service and trademark as well as the entire business concept itself – a marketing strategy and plan, image, comprehens­ive standards, systems and format, working manuals, training, quality control and a continuing process of help, guidance and supervisio­n.

What could be easier than plugging into the proven system of the franchisor? Well, plenty. The willingnes­s and the capacity to work within another’s system is not for everyone. A franchisee needs to be entreprene­urial enough to leave the security of employment and assume the financial, managerial, time and other commitment­s of business proprietor­ship, yet flexible enough to run the business in accordance with detailed and prescribed system parameters. This is not for everyone.

The term “intraprene­ur” has been developed to describe franchisee­s whose entreprene­urial ambitions have to be realised within another’s system. Living someone else’s dream is not for everyone.

Several years ago when writing about franchises, I told the story of a high-school friend who, after 30 years of employment with a significan­t organisati­on whose policies, strategies and business practices he never agreed with, resigned in frustratio­n and went looking for a franchise to buy. I made him promise me he would never become a franchisee as it would lead only to recriminat­ions and regrets and grief. He would have driven the franchisor mad, and the franchisor would have driven him mad. Nothing would ever be right.

Franchisin­g may have been a good fit for my friend, but only as a franchisor who could build the

The willingnes­s and the capacity to work within another’s system is not for everyone.

business he wanted and have the ultimate control over those licensed to use it.

Some franchise systems, of course, offer a franchisee more scope for entreprene­urship. Establishe­d franchise systems frequently prefer multi-unit franchisee­s – franchisee­s who can run multiple franchise outlets. The franchisor in effect delegates a range of responsibi­lities to the multi-unit franchisee­s, who employ and train managers to run their units.

Running a multi-unit business, of course, poses greater challenges than a single outlet, but in either case the franchisee­s must be prepared to be intraprene­urial while working within the franchisor’s system.

Plato and Socrates sadly never turned their mind to franchisin­g, but had they had been asked by a prospectiv­e franchisee about the wisdom of running a business within a business, they might well have replied with t he ancient Greek aphorism that resonates through their writings:

“Know thyself”.

 ??  ??
 ?? Professor of Business Regulation, University of Sydney Business School, and member of the FCA Hall of Fame. ??
Professor of Business Regulation, University of Sydney Business School, and member of the FCA Hall of Fame.

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