Kyabram Free Press

Never forget their sacrifice

>> On the horizon


WELL it is Anzac Day today. My first memories of Anzac Day were marching with the scouts as part of the parade in a small country town in the early 1970s.

I was intrigued by the returned soldiers, the stories and the solemn occasion yet I didn’t fully understand back then why Anzac Day was so important.

I never had a direct relative involved in WWI or WWII, but I do remember my mother’s uncle showing us a massive scar across his back because of a war injury from WWI.

Over the years I began to appreciate Anzac Day and the sacrifice that so many made to secure our freedom.

We live in a fantastic country and it is easy to take our freedom of choice for granted that so many in other countries don’t have.

Yet I do not like war. It simply doesn’t make sense that people would disagree with one another that they would resort to destructio­n of property and life. Isn’t there another way of working out people’s indifferen­ce?

If there is it seems the world doesn’t take up the option for in the past 100 years, there has only been an increase of conflicts globally. You see at the root of conflict is selfishnes­s and greed and this is a perennial problem inflicting all people.

We all have an inbuilt desire to think of self at the expense of others. Jesus came to deal with this wrong thinking by showing us another way to live. He told us to put others first and think of them as better than yourself. He said love your enemies and do good to those who hate you.

You may say, impossible! However, Jesus not only demonstrat­ed this kind of living, but he gave us the power to live this way. Firstly, he paid the price for our selfishnes­s and greed setting us free from the guilt and bondage that is associated with it.

Secondly, he gave us his Spirit to enable us to live a life of peace. In our own strength it is impossible to please God, but all things are possible with God on the inside.

So then, should we celebrate Anzac Day? Well if some people were trying to invade my house and take away mine and my family’s freedom would I welcome people who came and protected us? I certainly would, and I would never forget their commitment and sacrifice.

Therefore, can we have a distaste for war yet honour those who fought for our freedom? I believe we can. See you at the Anzac Day parade.

Pastor David Lloyd, Community Church Kyabram.

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