Kyabram Free Press

KDHS leads the way with disability project

- By Gianni Francis

Kyabram District Health Service will be leading the Murray sub-region Disability Liaison Officer Project, which will assist people with a disability in navigating COVID-19.

This includes helping individual­s access in-home vaccinatio­ns, creating a Health Passport, and what to do if they receive a positive test or need to self-isolate.

Kerrie Reardon will be co-ordinating the project for the sub-region with Candy Fanning being the KDHS disability liaison officer and Chris Mccormick as the administra­tive support officer.

“All people should have equitable access to health support. We are looking forward to working with the local community,” Ms Reardon said.

The project is funded by the Victorian Government until June 30 and one person has already been successful­ly assisted in getting a COVID-19 booster.

You can contact the program by emailing Dlocoordin­ator@

Submit an online request via www.coronaviru­s.­ninformati­on-peopledisa­bility

Or call the Coronaviru­s hotline on 1800 675 398 and tell them you need specialist support or call Candy on 0434 363 167 or Kerrie on 5857 0242.

 ?? ?? Supporting the community: Candy Fanning, Chris Mccormick and Kerrie Reardon.
Supporting the community: Candy Fanning, Chris Mccormick and Kerrie Reardon.

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