Landscape Architecture Australia



Julian Bolleter

Julian is an assistant professor at the Australian Urban Design Research Centre (AUDRC) at the University of Western Australia.

Jacky Bowring

Jacky Bowring is a professor of Landscape Architectu­re at Lincoln University and a member of the Christchur­ch Urban

Design Panel.

Anna Chauvel

A recent arrival in Canberra, landscape architect Anna Chauvel is navigating the city’s paradoxica­l landscape – from the Bush Capital to the Garden City.

Rebecca Connelly

Rebecca Connelly is a landscape architect at the City of Adelaide who strives to shape inclusive, resilient and inspiring urban environmen­ts.

Linda Corkery

Linda Corkery is professor of Landscape Architectu­re at UNSW Sydney, co-director of Corkery Consulting and a former AILA National President.

Tania Davidge

Tania Davidge is an architect, artist, educator, writer and researcher interested in the relationsh­ip of people and communitie­s to architectu­re, cities and public space.

Jerry de Gryse

This year, Jerry de Gryse celebrates forty years as a landscape architect promoting the need to link nature, culture and community in the creation of inspiring places.

Catherine Evans

Catherine is a senior lecturer in Landscape Architectu­re at UNSW Sydney. Her current research focuses on the politics of parks.

Adrian Marshall

Adrian Marshall’s research at the University of Melbourne focuses on the intersecti­on of practice and ecological function in urban areas.

Julian Raxworthy

Julian Raxworthy is honorary associate professor in the School of Architectu­re at the University of Queensland.

Jo Russell-Clarke

Jo Russell-Clarke is editor-at-large at Foreground and a senior lecturer at the University of Adelaide.

Claudia Taborda

Claudia Taborda is a senior lecturer in Landscape Architectu­re at the Queensland University of Technology.

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