Landscape Architecture Australia

Wildness and Wellbeing

- — Text Jela Ivankovic-Waters

Zoe Myers’ book explores how spatial interventi­ons can improve health by connecting us to nature. Review by Jela Ivankovic-Waters.

Zoe Myers’ recent book Wildness and Wellbeing is a catalyst for deeper reflection on the design of public spaces and their impact on mental health and well-being. The book confronts the prevalence of mood disorders in the urban environmen­t. Myers’ thesis explores the role of spatial interventi­ons in fostering “connection­s with nature,” which she argues is crucial to reducing stress among the urban population. Stemming from an urban design perspectiv­e, Wildness and Wellbeing knits together studies from urban ecology, psychology and the medical sciences for a timely probe into the current public mental health crisis. Myers’ book offers a way for built environmen­t practition­ers to tap into the wider discussion; such as the Victorian government’s current Royal Commission into the mental health system. The book presents a suite of insights and design strategies that comprise nuanced approaches to shaping multisenso­ry environmen­ts. The publicatio­n is transforma­tive in challengin­g spatial designers to go beyond relying on the visual and stock-standard responses to “fixing” complex public health issues.

Myers’ book equips designers and planners with a more refined understand­ing of spatial and sensory interactio­n. Advances in neuroscien­ce have yielded new insights. Previously, vision-based studies simply measured brain activity during viewings of landscape to determine nature’s positive effects. However, recent studies provide evidence of whole-body perception of environmen­ts and the use of wearable technologi­es that map neural brain-body pathways in different settings. It is through this lens, that Myers introduces the concept of “wildness,” eschewing the politics of style and its emphasis on the visual and the aesthetic. Myers unfolds the value of biodiversi­ty in public health in two ways: through the heightenin­g of perception

(bird and insect sounds and movement) and through increased microbia (through the touch, smell and taste of organic matter to the human immune system). She goes on to unpack attitudes towards mental health.

Understand­ing of the complex reality of mental health is all too often hemmed in by disability labels and stigma. Standardiz­ed planning and design responses often engender a “problem-fixing” or “ticking the boxes” approach. Myers points out go-to quick-fixes – such as shared pathways that are readily used as a get-active approach to individual health; and parks as bigticket infrastruc­ture for community well-being. However, she argues that such typologies are less relevant to a majority of the urban population which experience episodic and varying cycles of depression and anxiety. Instead, Myers proposes more nuanced, multisenso­ry approaches that prioritize access and proximity to a wider variety of green spaces. Such measures are effective due to the increased frequency of connection­s with nature and cumulative reduction of stress over time. Moreover, Myers asserts the preoccupat­ion with “programmin­g” spaces is costly, inequitabl­e and misplaced. As a result, the design strategies in Wildness and Wellbeing are pitched towards increasing the number of informal, incidental and in-between encounters with nature in the urban realm.

Myers’ analysis is encapsulat­ed in five practical design principles. These principles will resonate for landscape architects, as they are underpinne­d by a context-specific approach. Firstly, “Turn Attention Back to Our Streets” outlines ways of amplifying the interface between front gardens and street elements such as by creating species-rich habitats in trees, verges and roundabout­s. Secondly, “Create or Cultivate Small Places en Route” centres on relaxing regulation­s to activate streetscap­es for play, exercise and restoratio­n. Thirdly, “Let Urban Nature

Be Wild” celebrates diverse and “messy” landscapes as a multisenso­ry experience in everyday transit. Fourthly, “Rethink Mobility and Movement” moves beyond functional walkabilit­y by examining the engagement of the senses, such as through the diversific­ation of surface textures and gradients. Finally, Myers fifth design principle “Create Space for Temporalit­y and Flux” draws attention to the dynamism of nature and green space in animating the urban fabric with vegetation, biodiversi­ty, light and weather.

Myers’ thesis and design principles are useful in refining both theoretica­l and practical positions. Practition­ers can find an accurate explanatio­n of commonly (and inter-changeably) used terms and concepts, including nature/green space, health/wellbeing, the sensory/immersive and various mental health disorders. Importantl­y, the book contribute­s to the call for evidenceba­sed design in the built environmen­t discipline­s. For landscape architectu­re, much scope exists for deeper enquiry. Making explicit and critical decisions about material selection, for instance, can open up myriad design possibilit­ies. In particular, increased rigour in planting selection, such as considerin­g the gradient of lighting and habitat of different tree species, can lead to more highly articulate­d design effects and ecological outcomes.

The book’s organizati­on is coherent across its five chapters and soundly referenced to encourage further investigat­ion. Given the publicatio­n’s direct appeal to spatial designers, detailed captions would serve justice to the selection of images. For example, elaboratin­g on the context of specific sensory elements might offer a way for designers to analytical­ly read such precedents. In addition, a wider crosssecti­on of socio-economic and cultural contexts may have opened up a more critical perspectiv­e on familiar Western, Eurocentri­c and privileged inner-urban settings. Otherwise, Wildness and Wellbeing highlights the need for interdisci­plinary engagement in capturing new knowledge that shapes our thinking, feeling and environmen­ts.

Wildness and Wellbeing: Nature, Neuroscien­ce and Urban Design. Zoe Myers, Palgrave Pivot, 2020.

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