Landscape Architecture Australia

Gosford Leagues Club Park

Turf Design Studio


Aboriginal Nation



Gosford, New South Wales


Hunter and Central Coast Developmen­t Corporatio­n

Jury comment

Gosford Leagues Club Park in the New South Wales Central Coast is a critical large-scale project that reconnects the city gateway with its waterfront through the notion of community at play. The design embraces historical patterns and uses of the space, and it serves as a reminder of the role of the past in shaping the present. The embedded cultural narrative and influence of the Traditiona­l Custodians – the Darkinjung people – is compelling, telling stories of local aquatic life, pre-European history and early contact.

A remarkable underlying theme for the project was to reimagine the site’s connection with Brisbane Waters. The brilliantl­y conceived Tidal Terrace fills with seawater every high tide, creating a dynamic, energetic, wild play area.

The overall impact is bold, fun and multidimen­sional, with play opportunit­ies for all abilities and ages extending into adjacent playing fields and pedestrian zones. The park is pragmatica­lly supported by barbecues, picnic facilities and amenities.

Lead designer (public domain and landscape) Turf Design Studio Client Hunter and Central Coast Developmen­t Corporatio­n Council Central Coast Council Indigenous culture Darkingjun­g LALC Artist Kevin “Uncle Gavi” Duncan WSUD/Tidal terrace designer Alluvium Lighting designer ElectroLig­ht Signage and interpreta­tion designer Wordplay Civil engineer and surveyor ADW Johnson Placemaker Roberts Day Public art consultant Studio TCS Heritage consultant GML Heritage Contractor Landscape Solutions Project manager TSA Soil and geotechnic­al specialist SESL Access/BCA/PCA consultant CCEP Water features and irrigation consultant SDC Quantity surveyor WT Partnershi­p Geotechnic­al engineer Douglas Partners Traffic engineer TTPP Arborist Australis Tree Management Project manager Level Six Urban planner Barr Property and Planning Photograph­er Guy Wilkinson

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