Linux Format



Karbon is a vector companion to Krita. Both are part of CalligraSu­ite, and both are primarily targeted at artists. But unlike Krita, Karbon’s capabiliti­es are very modest. We found it to be a very basic vector editor, with few advanced options. Some simple shape tools do exist, though they reside in the objects pane on the right-hand side of the window, not on the main toolbar. Karbon has quite a decent set of tools for manipulati­ng nodes, lines and curves, and it can arrange and distribute objects and even use layers. There’s also an ‘artistic text’ tool, although it proved not to be particular­ly artistic: just an ordinary text input tool. You can align text, add basic emphasis, and attach text to a curve, but otherwise very few formatting options are supported. Tracing bitmap images to convert them into vectors is another standard feature you won’t find in Karbon.

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