Linux Format



You can now use Amazon Prime Instant Video to stream movies and TV shows in Linux. Going to the video streaming service’s website (

Video) allows you to stream videos either as part of a subscripti­on or on a video-by-video basis. There’s some decent films on there, and Amazon has followed Netflix’s lead in producing its own TV shows, such as the critically acclaimed series Transparen­t and Hand of God.

The Android applicatio­n has also been updated to let you download videos onto your device for 30 days, which is handy for playback without using up your mobile data allowance. Google isn’t always in our good books but it’s earned some brownie points with its transport networking crew finding and fixing a Linux kernel TCP bug that has been causing trouble for nearly 10 years.

The bug affected cubic congestion control, which is used in a range of Linux distributi­ons and causes problems with network throughout as applicatio­ns switch between sending lots of data, pausing and then sending more data. A patch is now available at The Taurinus X200 laptop has been given the Free Software Foundation’s Respects Your Freedom certificat­ion which certifies that it has completely open and secure software and hardware. It’s free from preinstall­ed bloatware and doesn’t ship with DRM and security backdoors, like many other laptops do. It runs the Trisquel distro and runs on an Intel Core 2 Duo processor and a choice of 2GB, 4GB or 8GB RAM. If you fancy buying one they start at $445 and can be bought and shipped within the US only at For the rest of the world, the similarly FSF-certified Libreboot X200 can be bought from libreboot-x200.

 ??  ?? It looks a bit like a ThinkPad, but the Taurinus 200 is guaranteed to protect your privacy.
It looks a bit like a ThinkPad, but the Taurinus 200 is guaranteed to protect your privacy.

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