Linux Format

Vintage Wine


I am running Xubuntu 14.04 LTS on my main gaming rig, and I made the mistake of allowing Software Updates to update my Wine install to the latest version (1.7.50), This broke a number of games and apps that I use. What I want to do is reinstall an earlier version. When I remove 1.7.50 and try to install using sudo apt-get install wine1.7 it will only install the latest version. If I visit I only have the option of the latest 1.7 or an early 1.6. Ideally I want to re-install 1.7.29. reklan, via the forums None of the Wine1.7 packages are in the Ubuntu repository, so it seems you installed from the Wine PPA. You

can browse the contents of the PPA directly by going to

+archive/ubuntu/ppa. There’s no package for 1.7.29 there now – it doesn’t give any reason, but there might have been an issue resulting in its removal, so it may be wiser not to insist on this anyway – but you could try the versions either side of it: there are packages for 1.7.18 and 1.7.44. You’ll need to uninstall your current version (doing this will not affect your settings or any software you already have installed for

Wine), then download and install the appropriat­e .deb file from launchpad. After downloadin­g the .deb, a double-click should bring up Gdebi to install it.

Once you have the version you want installed, you can instruct APT to not update it with this command:

$ sudo apt-mark hold wine

You may need to repeat the process for associated packages, such as libraries. You should be aware, though, that this can be a risky approach. Distros test packages to make sure they work with the intended distro, so updating the distro while leaving some packages at their older versions may cause problems at some time in the future (although, looking on the bright side, it might not).

The alternativ­e is to install Wine from source. While the WineHQ home page lists only the current stable and beta versions, you can get tarballs for all versions by visiting sourceforg­ Source. Download and unpack the version you want, then follow the instructio­ns in the readme file. You will need the build-essentials package installed to be able to build from source. This is a little more work but it gives you total control of the version installed, and the package manager will never try to update it. If it should stop working because of a change in your underlying OS software (the problem you can get with holding a package) then you can normally get it working again by repeating the install procedure.

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