Linux Format

Build a Pi web server

Sean Conway demonstrat­es how to install the three software foundation­s: web server, database and language for a CMS web server.


Sean Conway guides you through setting up the Nginx server then configurin­g your own CMS of choice for a custom web server.

This tutorial will configure a Raspberry Pi as a web server to set up a content management system (CMS) using the popular WordPress platform. Before starting the configurat­ion, we’ll cover what makes a CMS and follow up with how to install and configure a WordPress server and have it running and accessible from a browser. For this tutorial, you’ll need a Raspberry Pi for booting into Raspbian. You’ll also need some experience using the terminal and be comfortabl­e using a text editor to work with files.

Drupal, WordPress and Joomla are just three examples of free open source CMS software platforms available. Drupal came to life as an open source project in 2001 while WordPress first appeared in 2003. Joomla was a software fork of Mambo in 2005. Each has something that makes their CMS successful but we’re going to use WordPress.


A Raspberry Pi with Ethernet network capability provides a simple yet ideal platform to experiment with a CMS. To run our WordPress CMS web server, we used a Model B Revision 2.0 running Raspbian (Wheezy) which you can download from and load onto a 4GB SDHC memory card. Other Pi models and Linux distros will work, but before we start, we need to run through the boxout. (See The usual updates, to pright.)

Now let’s begin by adding the three software components that establish a LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PhP) server. sudo apt-get install -y nginx mysql-server php5-fpm php5-cli php5-gd php5-mysql

This line of code installs the web server ( nginx ), relation database ( mysql-server ) and programmin­g language PHP ( php5-fpm php5-cli php5-gd php5-mysql ) of the LAMP server. For this tutorial, we’ve replaced the ‘A’ for Apache in LAMP with Nginx, which is a simpler web server to configure. Also note, the PHP installati­on contains packages to support CGI scripts, command-line interface, graphics and communicat­e with our relational database.

During the installati­on of the MySQL relational database, the installati­on process will stop and display a screen that asks for a password. This password is for the database superuser account (i.e. root under MySQL). This account has god-like privileges on the database, so apply some forethough­t in creating a secure password for this database access account.

When the software installati­on process completes, the command prompt will return. Initiate a reboot (i.e. sudo shutdown -r now ) to ensure the Pi comes back up after the software installati­ons. Log in again and open a terminal window to proceed with configurin­g the software.

During configurat­ion of the software, a number of different accounts will be used for specific tasks, which can get confusing for a novice because some accounts have the same names. One of the goals of this Pi tutorial is to assist the reader in understand­ing the different accounts that are used during configurat­ion.

A user accesses (i.e. logs in) Raspbian with user account credential­s. In the case of a Raspberry Pi the credential­s are username: pi with a default password: raspberry. Software applicatio­ns running on the OS also use credential­s. For instance, the web server has an account username: www-data and the relational database MySQL has an account username: mysql.

When software is running and accessing system resources they are functionin­g under their OS user account name, which is similar to a user’s account used to log in to access files. Typically the accounts for the software components are prevented from logging into the system.

Relational database

Within the relation database software itself there are additional accounts. The accounts used within the database provide control to manage and access the database resources (i.e. databases and tables, etc). The relational database is built containing an account called root. This root account is for the MySQL software and is separate from the root account for the OS.

Starting off first in the LAMP configurat­ion batting order is the database. From the command line open the MySQL relational database console using the software root user ( -u ) account: mysql -u root -p . The applicatio­n will ask for the password ( -p ) that you have assigned during the software installati­on. From the MySQL command prompt (i.e. mysql>) issue the following command: show databases ; . Commands entered in the MySQL console must end with a semi-colon to

be recognised. The output from the command will show the databases that currently exists (see the grab bottom right). create database wpDB; create user wpdbprime@localhost identified by "WordPressD­B"; grant all privileges on wpDB.* to wpdbprime@localhost; flush privileges;

The database names displayed are the databases the applicatio­n itself uses to store informatio­n. Next, we use the database root user account, to create a new database for the exclusive use of the CMS. Finally, we’ll also create a user account that has the permission necessary to manage the new database.

Let’s do a quick recap. First, a command was issued inside the database console to create a database with the name

wpDB . Next, we have a command to create a database user to access the database from the localhost with the user name

wpdbprime and password WordPressD­B . The next command assigns all privileges required to manage the database named wpDB to the database user wpdbprime . Finally, The last command we use enables the permission­s to take effect.

To confirm that the tasks were completed, we issue the following commands and examine the outputs: show databases; The output should show that the name of the new database has been created. use mysql; We can also examine the database that holds the data for the databases with. select user,host, password from user; And see that yes, both the user account and the password are encrypted exit;

We’re partial to an OS reboot and a LXF Cup of TeaTM at this time. However, it could be argued, that it’s not required [NO TEA?!–Ed] because the changes were all contained within a resident applicatio­n and not to the OS therefore a reboot is not necessary—but we like a cup of tea.

Now that the database setup is complete let’s tackle the web server. The directory /etc/nginx is the location for the configurat­ion files used by Nginx. Using your favourite text editor, create a file in the directory specified and add the contents shown. We’re old school and haven’t stopped to learn some of the improved text editors, so we bang out text files using legacy vi using the filename: wordpress and the directory: /etc/nginx/sites-available/.

server { server_name webpi;

listen 80;

root /home/pi/www/wordpress;

index index.php index.html;

location / {

try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;


location ~ .php$ {

try_files $uri /index.php;

include fastcgi_params; fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;

fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_ root$fastcgi_script_name;

fastcgi_index index.php; }


Web server

Let’s examine the lines of code ( above). The first set of parenthesi­s defines the web server’s name and what port it should be listening on (i.e. port 80). The next section defines where the root of the web server file system starts and what file or files you should find there by default if nothing else is specified. The last set of parenthesi­s are configurat­ion options to tailor the use of PHP scripts.

Whatever name you chose to put in the server_name file edit the /etc/hosts file and add the IP address and hostname (i.e. server_name) details at the top of the file.

In this tutorial, it was webpi. The file will already contain a reference to the hostname that points to (i.e. webpi). Remove the entry and save. The next series of commands will remove the web server default configurat­ion file and enable the new web server configurat­ion. A restart of the web server ends the series: sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/wordpress /etc/nginx/ sites-enabled/wordpress sudo service nginx restart

With the web server restarted, let’s use a few commands to see under the hood. The web server will have a process associated with it and there will be a port open (i.e. LISTEN) for the web service to use. sudo ps -ef|grep nginx sudo lsof -i:80 sudo netstat -an|more

The terminal window screenshot ( see,right) shows the output from the three CLI commands that show there is a web server running. The first command displays the web server master process started by the operating system root and then the worker process owned by www-data. You recall this is the OS account used by the web server.

In the output of the next command notice the worker processes are listening on a TCP port for HTTP, the web service protocol. If you’re not sure what services are associated with what ports, use a text editor to examine the /etc/services. Never again, will you need to remember port numbers!

In the last command output, you can see the web service port 80 is listening. If you aren’t convinced, issue the command to stop the Nginx service (i.e. replace restart in the service command with stop ) and run the same series of commands again and examine the output.

From the last command output take note there’s a port 3306 in LISTEN. Venture to guess what software installed so far would be listening for a connection? The /etc/service file is one place to look. If your response was MySQL you would be right. You may recall it was configured just before we did the web server.

A final test for the web server is to use your browser to connect to the web server using the IP address assigned to the server. The browser should display an error page generated by the web server. The web server throws up an error because it cannot find the directory specified in its configurat­ion file.

That is two software components: relational database and web server installed for a CMS. Next, we’ll supply the WordPress content that the web server is looking for.

You may recall the first part of setting up a LAMP server was installing the PHP applicatio­ns. But what about WordPress? In the web server configurat­ion, a root directory and file were specified. Let’s create that directory and camp out in it, to load and configure WordPress: sudo mkdir /home/pi/www && cd /home/pi/www/

The WordPress website holds a repo (repository) of the most current build of the file package. Download the file (i.e. and unzip it to deposit the contents in the web server’s home directory: sudo wget sudo unzip


To fine tune the configurat­ion, it’s necessary to establish ownership and permission to the WordPress directorie­s. The WordPress ZIP package was downloaded and installed using the pi user account using sudo for root access. For that reason, all the directorie­s and files belong to the owner root and the group root.

The web server needs access to the directorie­s and files of the WordPress installati­on. The web server has it own group and owner www-data. Looking back at the command that displayed the worker process for the web server, notice that OS root starts the Nginx service but it then spawns ownership of the process to the web server owner, www-data—this is all part of an elaborate plot to ensure a secure system. sudo chown -R pi.www-data /home/pi/www/wordpress/ sudo find /home/pi/www/wordpress/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; sudo find /home/pi/www/wordpress/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; sudo chmod -R 775 /home/pi/www/wordpress/wp-content

When the website setup is complete, it’s necessary to reset the wp-content directory to ensure everything is locked down and not open for others to change. To do so enter the following command and follow the walkthroug­h ( right): sudo chmod -R 755 /home/pi/www/wordpress/wp-content

There you have it: a pocket size, portable WordPress server. Remember if you decide to take your developmen­t system to a different network, there’s a good chance DHCP will supply a IP address that wasn’t used during configurat­ion. A quick edit of the Pi /etc/hosts file is all that is required to have your web server up and accessible!

 ??  ?? The new wpdbprime user and password can be seen in the mysql database.
The new wpdbprime user and password can be seen in the mysql database.
 ??  ?? The default databases that make up MySQL.
The default databases that make up MySQL.
 ??  ?? The database’s root user password initializa­tion.
The database’s root user password initializa­tion.
 ??  ?? Our web server account with worker process, protocols and ports all set to LISTEN.
Our web server account with worker process, protocols and ports all set to LISTEN.

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