Linux Format

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In the previous iteration of this Roundup, we included Qubes OS in the mix as well. While it is an interestin­g Linux distributi­on it’s more geared towards security conscious users rather than privacy advocates. The distro divides the computer into a series of virtual machines or domains using Xen that are cut- off from one another. Each virtual machine only has access to the services that it needs to perform the designated function, thus limiting the potential security threat. You can, if you so desired, deploy Whonix over a Qubes installati­on to get the best of both worlds. Another distro that’s worth looking at and that we covered before is Ubuntu Privacy Remix. It’s now called Discreete Linux and is currently in the early stages of developmen­t. One notable feature of the distro is that it automatica­lly converts the free space left on the boot disk into an encrypted silo that you can use to house any files.

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