Linux Format

Better infrastruc­ture


The stupid thing is that we all know to keep our desktop and server up to date, right? We truly hope so. The simple reason being that new exploits are being discovered all the time – let’s not even get into the CIA Vault 7 revelation­s see page 7 – so unless you can keep your infrastruc­ture updated, you have no security.

If you have no control over a device’s updates, how can you know it’s secure? Well, you can’t. That’s why we push so much for people to develop, build and maintain their own IoT devices. Sure, devices hidden behind your own broadband NAT are largely secure, but if they need to communicat­e to the big beyond that’s a different story.

With the release of the all-new Raspberry Pi Zero W we’re taking the opportunit­y to catch up with how you can build better devices with open source. We’re taking a look at the new Pi Zero W, talking to Eben Upton about the new device, suggesting the best Pi Zero HATs you should use and finally explain a low-impact message transport protocol that will help you build a better smart home. Les Pounder is our Raspberry Pi expert who will guide you through the new device.

As we’re running with a Raspberry Pi feature there’s no Pi User this issue, which means more Linux tutorials! The bumper crop includes a look at the virtual machine manager Proxmox, picture encryption with Trupax, looking after your GnuPG keys and enhancing your webserver with Varnish.

Add a look at the available CAD packages so you can design your new makes, how to play Blu-ray discs under Linux and some basic Android app developmen­t, and we hope you’ll find there’s something in this issue for everyone – because free and open source software is literally for everyone. Enjoy!

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Neil Mohr Editor

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