Linux Format

Escape Windows

As you stagger into the blinding light of a Linux OS, Nick Peers offers all the answers to the most common Linux-based questions…


However familiar you are in Windows, you can’t transfer everything you know and apply it equally to your new OS, and that’s particular­ly true when it comes to Linux, even a modern user-friendly one.

Some things can translate, of course, but there are still fundamenta­l difference­s in the way Linux operates and works that you need to understand.

We’re going to base this guide on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS ( which is the base for a host of Linux OSes, including ones on the LXFDVD, as you’ll discover part of the fun is the variety of choice in the Linux world.

We’ll begin by examining the Linux filesystem (everything is a file, even your folders and hardware devices) and look at how it handles users and permission­s. There’s a brief look at drivers (with Linux you rarely need to worry about these), and then we go about finding, installing, updating and generally managing software, as that’s a bit different.

We’ll also introduce you to the Terminal which gives you access to the underlying shell that powers Linux. We’ll explain the basics of using Terminal, and list 10 practical ways it can help you, from copying files and folders to getting informatio­n about your PC’s hardware.

Once you’re comfortabl­e, we’ll step it up a little bit and explain what’s happening when you start your Linux computer. Understand­ing the what and the why of Linux is crucial. Where Windows hides this behind an impenetrab­le barrier, you can examine – and tweak – the Linux boot process with serious precision.

With all that theory in place, we’ll take you through the process of installing a Linux distro in a nondestruc­tive way, so even if you’re not sure if you’re truly done with Windows, you can run the two in parallel. You’ll gain the grounding you need to help you make the move from Windows to Linux. No time to waste, a whole operating system is out there waiting for you!

“You’ll gain the grounding you need to help you make the move from Windows to Linux.”

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