Linux Format

Password generation

Pulling complex passwords out of thin air is an artform.


One of the most difficult tasks is to create new and difficult-toguess passwords, repeatedly. If you don’t use a password manager, you must create such passwords on your own and remember all of them. But if you use a password manager such as the ones on our list, the task of rememberin­g all other passwords can be safely relegated to these tools. This will free you up, if you are that paranoid about security breaches, to choose a password of 50 characters or even more for each account. After all, you don’t have to remember it!

The password generator on bitwarden can be accessed from the Tools tab. You can define the number of characters, whether or not you want symbols and special characters, as well as upper/lowercase letters. You can also specify the minimum number of numbers and special characters. The LazLock password generator offers all the same features, except for specifying a number of special characters. While Encryptr and PasswordGo­rilla both have a password generator, you can’t launch it directly. Encryptr also doesn’t let you define the parameters for the password. When you add a new password entry, Encryptr will autosugges­t a password.

On PasswordGo­rilla the password generator can only be accessed from within the Add Entry menu, but you can define the password criteria such as length, use of digits, upper/lowercase characters and symbols.

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