Linux Format

The Verdict


With the exception of accidental­ly overwritin­g or deleting a file, there’s precious little that can go wrong when you test drive a new software, right? While this may be true for most benign software, such as text editors and web browsers, it certainly isn’t the case with video editors of the like that we featured in this Roundup.

All the tools feature a myriad combinatio­n of menu bars, tabs, sidebars and buttons. It’d be unfair to these tools for us to declare any one style or appearance as superior to the others, because each of these tools boast of vast user communitie­s, which suggests that there are ample number of users that favour their user interface.

More than anything else, your choice of applicatio­n will ultimately come down to which one offers intuitive workflow, because they’re all well matched in terms of what you can achieve with them. Furthermor­e, your choice is something that will vary for every individual. If you’re anything like most other people, you’ll begin to work with one tool, and over time as you become immersed into the art of film editing, learn to appreciate the different offerings of each tool. It wouldn’t surprise us if you even choose to work with multiple tools when working on a project. So, for example, you might use one for their transition­s and effects, and another for manipulati­on audio.

If you’re a novice just getting started with video editing, you might find feel daunted by the sheer scope of the possibilit­ies. This is why documentat­ion is so important, and the biggest reason for deciding on Kdenlive as the winner.

Flowblade’s documentat­ion wildly conflicts with its current design, which makes it unlikely new users will get very far with the tool. Although there’s little wrong with the project itself, we can’t recommend it to users for this reason. If not for the Quick Introducti­on Guide, LiVES would suffer a similar fate.

Openshot and Shotcut faired nearly identical in all the tests. The use of images to explain the different effects by the latter is a novel feature, which all the other tools should consider adopting. We’ve very reluctantl­y pushed LiVES off the podium on account of its lack of official binaries for different distributi­ons.

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