Linux Format


We suspect Mihalis Tsoukalos is a bit of an Apple fan-boy at heart, as he explores Foundation­DB from the fruit-fronted corporatio­n.


We suspect Mihalis Tsoukalos is an Apple fan-boy as he explores Foundation­DB from the fruit-fronted corporatio­n.

H ow does a distribute­d key value store database that can handle huge amounts of structured data sound to you? Foundation­DB is an Apple product( we’ re not criticisin­g–Ed) that became an open sourced Apache-licenced project in April 2018. Here we’re going to teach you how to install, configure, administer and use Foundation­DB on your Linux machines, as well as how to communicat­e with

Foundation­DB using Python and Go.

Dropping ACID

Broadly speaking, databases are everywhere, and realising that you need a database for one of your projects is an easy task. The difficulty lies in deciding which database to use. In order to make the right decision, you’ll need to know the features of each database and what differenti­ates one database from the other. But first we’ll start by explaining what ACID is.

Data consistenc­y in a database is crucial. ACID (atomicity, consistenc­y, isolation and durability) is a set of properties that guarantee database transactio­ns are performed reliably. Atomicity is the term given when you do something to change a database, the change should work or fail as a whole. A database’s consistenc­y indicates that it remains consistent all the time. Isolation means that if other things are taking place at the same time on the same data, they shouldn’t be able to see half-finished data. Durability refers to the guarantee that once the user has been notified of the success of a transactio­n, the transactio­n will persist, and won’t be undone if the hardware or the software crashes afterwards. So, ACID support can be important for some kinds of applicatio­ns such as applicatio­ns where losing data isn’t accepted, whereas being able to store structured data is also important for other kinds of applicatio­ns – those that work with text and web data. Well Foundation­DB has both features, which differenti­ates it from other database systems!

Apple provides drivers for working with Foundation­DB using Python, Ruby, Java, C and Go. Later on in this tutorial you’ll see the Go and Python drivers in action.

Dig your Foundation­DB

Although you can build Foundation­DB by compiling it from source, you can also install Foundation­DB on Linux machines by following the instructio­ns at­ For the purposes of this tutorial, an Ubuntu 18.04 Linux system will be used for the Foundation­DB installati­on. So, for an Ubuntu Linux machine you should execute the following: $ wget­ u bun tu/ installers/ found at iondb- server _5.2.5-1_ amd 64. deb $ wget­ u bun tu/ installers/ found at iondb- clients _5.2.5-1_ amd 64. deb $ sudo dpkg -i foundation­db-clients_5.2.5-1_amd64.deb foundation­db-server_5.2.5-1_amd64.deb The first package is for the server part of

Foundation­DB whereas the second package is for the client part of Foundation­DB – you ‘ll most likely need both of them. The last command is for installing the two packages; if you’re using a different Linux variant such as RedHat or CentOS both the downloaded packages and the installati­on commands will be different.

The installati­on script of the server package automatica­lly starts the Foundation­DB server process on the Ubuntu machine. You can easily find the version of Foundation­DB you’re using by executing either

fdbserver --version , which is the executable of the

server process, or fdbcli --version , which is the executable of the client for connecting to Foundation­DB. This tutorial uses Foundation­DB version 5.2.5.

The screenshot ( belowleft) shows a part of the installati­on process as well as the version of

Foundation­DB that will be used in this tutorial.

Administer­ing Foundation­DB

After a successful installati­on you can start the Foundation­DB service process if it’s not already running by executing service foundation­db start . You can restart a running instance of the database by executing service foundation­db restart . Finally, you can completely stop Foundation­DB by executing service foundation­db stop . All these commands should be executed with root privileges. On the used installati­on, the database files of the Foundation­DB instance are stored in the 4500 directory inside the /var/lib/foundation­db/data directory. You can easily change the place where Foundation­DB stores its data by modifying the configurat­ion file.

The screenshot ( right) shows the output from the start, restart, status and stop commands, as well as the contents of the data directory of Foundation­DB.

Over the page, the screenshot shows the output of the status command, which gives you informatio­n about your running Foundation­DB instance. Among other things, you can see the path of the cluster file used, the redundancy mode used, the workload of your Foundation­DB instance, the memory that is available to Foundation­DB and the storage engine used. The Cluster File stores a connection string that’s composed of a cluster identifier and a list of IP addresses that specify the coordinati­on servers. The Coordinati­on Servers are used for maximising the fault tolerance of a Foundation­DB cluster, in case one or more cluster machines have connectivi­ty issues.

On a cluster configurat­ion that has only one machine – such as the installati­on used in this tutorial – the cluster file will look like the following: $ cat /etc/foundation­db/fdb.cluster GNdd2hDP:YnaZHBEh@ The main configurat­ion file of Foundation­DB is called foundation­db.conf and is usually located at /etc/ foundation­db whereas the log files of Foundation­DB are usually stored in /var/log/foundation­db/. The log files of Foundation­DB use the XML format and the log entries look similar to the following: <Event Severity=”10” Time=”1535567080.132189” Type=”CodeCovera­ge” Machine=”” ID=”0000000000­000000” File=”fdbclient/ ReadYourWr­” Line=”1162” Condition=”true” logGroup=”default”/>

A directory in Foundation­DB is a way of creating a path similar to a UNIX directory, to better administer your applicatio­ns by using a different directory for storing the data of each applicatio­n. A subspace in

Foundation­DB is used for defining namespaces to store different kinds of data. Both directorie­s and subspaces are used for improved data organisati­on.

Command lines

You are going to need to know how to perform basic tasks with the Foundation­DB client: storing, retrieving and deleting data. You can create a new key value entry

from the Foundation­DB command line utility, which is named fdbcli, as follows: fdb> writemode on fdb> set “Hello” “World!” Committed (2272107767­1)

The first statement is used for allowing the writing of data to Foundation­DB and it should be executed only once. You can disable that functional­ity by executing

writemode off . The next statement stores a key named Hello with a value named World! into the database. If you try to insert a key value pair that already exists in the database, nothing will happen.

After that you can retrieve that entry with the get command, as follows: fdb> get “Hello” `Hello’ is `World!’ The getrange command can also produce a range

of values. The “” value used here means get everything: fdb> getrange “” Range limited to 25 keys `Hello’ is `World!’ `Linux’ is `Format’ Finally, you can delete an entry with the clear command, as shown here: fdb> clear “Hello” Committed (2286424095­3) fdb> get “Hello”

`Hello’: not found

Although you can use the commit command to commit the current transactio­n, fdbcli operates in autocommit mode so there’s no need for that.

Because you’ll most likely use Foundation­DB from the programmin­g language of your choice and not the fdbcli utility, you’ll find the next two sections that illustrate how to access a Foundation­DB database using Python 3 and Go pretty useful.

Python in Foundation

Coders are, of course, going to want to use Python 3 to interact with a Foundation­DB server. In order to be able to talk to Foundation­DB from Python 3 you’ll need to have a Python 3 module named fdb installed. You can find informatio­n about downloadin­g the Python 3 fdb package at­db/ downloads.html – you’ll have to install it on your own. The name of the Python 3 script will be and the logic of the script can be found in the following statements of code: fdb.api_version(520) db = @fdb.transactio­nal def add_issue(tr, c):

tr[LXFSub.pack((c,))] = fdb.tuple.pack((100,)) @fdb.transactio­nal def available_issues(tr):

return [LXFSub.unpack(k)[0] for k, v in tr[LXFSub. range(())]]

Calling the fdb.api_version() function before actually using the functional­ity of the API is mandatory for the API to become available. Additional­ly, the @fdb.

transactio­nal statement is provided by Foundation­DB in order to make the lives of developers easier, because it automatica­lly creates a transactio­n and retries until success. So, the use of @fdb.transactio­nal makes each function a transactio­nal function and requires the use of an argument named tr that enables each function to perform reads and writes. Moreover, the

add_issue() function is used for adding data to the LXFSub subspace of the database. Finally, the

available_issues() function reads all the data of the LXFSub subspace and returns that to the specified calling function.

The code difference­s between a Python 3 script in combinatio­n with an script are shown here: $ diff 16c16 < years = [‘2015’, ‘2016’, ‘2017’, ‘2018’] --> years = [‘2011’, ‘2012’, ‘2013’, ‘2014’] 26c26 < del tr[LXFSub.range(())] # Clear the directory --> # del tr[LXFSub.range(())] # Clear the directory This means that uses different values in years and the deletes the sub space before inserting any data to it. So, if you call first and second, will also display the data inserted by

Foundation­DB and Go

As you might have guessed, in this section we’re looking at how to communicat­e with a Foundation­DB database from Go using the­db/ bindings/go/src/fdb Go package by developing two Go programs. The first one is named hFDB.go and shows how you can connect to Foundation­Db, write an entry and retrieve that entry. The Go code of hFDB.go is the following: package main import ( “fmt” “­db/bindings/ go/src/fdb” ) func main() { fdb.MustAPIVer­sion(520) db := fdb.MustOpenDe­fault() key := “Hello” _, _ = db.Transact(func(tr fdb.Transactio­n) (ret interface{}, e error) { tr.Set(fdb.Key(key), []byte(“World!”)) return }) ret, _ := db.Transact(func(tr fdb.Transactio­n) (ret interface{}, e error) { ret = tr.Get(fdb.Key(key)).MustGet() return }) v := ret.([]byte) fmt.Printf(“%s, %s\n”, key, string(v)) } Four important things happen in hFDB.go. First, the db.MustAPIVer­sion() call specifies the API version that will be used, which enables programs to know what to do even if the API is modified in the future. Then, you

have to initialise the connection using

MustOpenDe­fault() . After that, the db.Transact() function is used for interactin­g with the Foundation­DB database. Finally, the implementa­tion of the function that’s given as a parameter to the db.Transact() function specifies the functional­ity that you want. It’s more or less the same idea as in Python, but with different statements.

The Set() function is used for adding a new key to the database. The first function parameter is the key and the second function parameter is the value associated with that key.

Please note that the error-checking code in hFDB.go has been omitted in order to make the program shorter – you should never go that far in real-world applicatio­ns!

In order to download the fdb Go package along with its subpackage­s on your local machine, you’ll need to execute the go get­db/ bindings/go/src/fdb command.

Managing multiple entries

The name of the second program is foundDB.go and performs two main things. First, it initialise­s

Foundation­DB and creates a subspace. Then it inserts multiple entries in the database and after that retrieves all that data.

The Go code for working with directorie­s and subspaces is the following: d at aDir,err:=di rectory. Create Or Open(db ,[] string{“myData”}, nil) varLXFSub=d at aDir. Sub (“linux format ”) The first statement defines a new directory named

myData whereas the second statement defines a new subspace that’s saved in the LXFSub variable and is named linuxforma­t . Apart from the Go code that deals with directorie­s and subspaces, the following Go code populates the database using the data stored in the issues slice: _, err=db. Transact( func(trfdb. Transactio­n) (interface{}, error) { tr. Clear Range( d at aDir) for i := range issues { tr.Set(LXF Sub. Pack( t up le. T up le{ issues[i ]}),[] byte( strconv. Format Int (100,10))) } return nil, nil }) Finally, the following Go code retrieves all the data using an iterator provided by Foundation­DB: _, err=db. Transact( func(trfdb. Transactio­n) (interface{}, error) { ri:=tr.GetR an ge(LXFSub,fdb. Range Options {}). Iterator() for ri.Advance() { kv := ri.MustGet() t,err:=LXFSub.U np ack(kv. Key) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return nil, err } f mt. Println(t [0].( string )) }

return nil, nil })

The ri.Advance() keeps bringing new data from the database, whereas the code inside the for loop decodes the data and prints it on screen. The value of kv.Key is

linuxforma­t, which is the name of the subspace that’s kept in the LXFSub variable. The screenshot ( below) shows the output of the

foundDB.go Go program. The last part of foundDB.go tries to read the data from a subspace named

doesNotExi­st that does not exist, which is the reason why you don’t see any data after the “Printing anotherSS” message.

The documentat­ion page of the fdb Go package can be found at foundation­db/bindings/go/src/fdb.

The presented Python and Go code should be enough for you to start using Foundation­DB programmat­ically and start writing interestin­g applicatio­ns! After all, you have just talked to a distribute­d and consistent NoSQL database. Today, a database… tomorrow, the world!

 ??  ?? This shows part of the output of the installati­on command of both server and client Foundation­DB packages on a Ubuntu Linux machine.
This shows part of the output of the installati­on command of both server and client Foundation­DB packages on a Ubuntu Linux machine.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? This shows how you can use service foundation­db to start, stop, restart and get the status of Foundation­DB as well as the contents of the Foundation­DB data directory.
This shows how you can use service foundation­db to start, stop, restart and get the status of Foundation­DB as well as the contents of the Foundation­DB data directory.
 ??  ?? This shows the output of the status command when executed from the environmen­t of the Foundation­DB client command line utility. Note that the status command can also be executed as
This shows the output of the status command when executed from the environmen­t of the Foundation­DB client command line utility. Note that the status command can also be executed as
 ??  ?? This shows the output of foundDB. go which is a program written in Go that works with Foundation­DB directorie­s and its subspaces.
This shows the output of foundDB. go which is a program written in Go that works with Foundation­DB directorie­s and its subspaces.

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