Linux Format

Manjaro 18.0

Mayank Sharma tests a user-friendly Arch-based distro, ignoring the jibes of being called a pseudo Arch user by one very vocal advocate.


Mayank Sharma tests a user-friendly Arch-based distro, ignoring the jibes of being called a pseudo Arch.

Manjaro has occupied the top spot on the distrowatc­’s page hit rankings for quite some time now. It might not be an accurate reflection of the project’s popularity, but at least shows a steady interest in the distributi­on.

Manjaro is everything its progenitor isn’t. It’s designed to be user-friendly and aims to provide a complete working installati­on right out of the box, both characteri­stics that are antithesis of Arch. While Arch is popular as a do-it-yourself distributi­on that enables power users to construct their installati­on from the ground up, Manjaro ships with a user-friendly graphical installer to enable everyone – irrespecti­ve of their skill level – to get a taste of Arch’s awesomenes­s as an everyday desktop.

Manjaro is available in three officially supported flavours, with the Xfce edition being the flagship offering. The latest release sports a new theme named AdaptaMaia along with some other minor visual changes across the system to enhance the user experience. All editions use a customised Calamares installer, which in addition to the cosmetic difference­s, also enables you to encrypt the partition in which you plan to install the distributi­on.

Advanced users will appreciate Manjaro-Architect, which is a command line installer that’s designed to help users install a completely custom build with their choice of components including the kernel, init system, desktop environmen­t and more, and will fetch the latest versions of all packages from the repositori­es. Besides the three official editions, the project also hosts a slew of community-supported editions based around different desktop environmen­ts including Budge, Cinnamon, Deepin, Mate, LXDE and more.

The boot menu of the Live environmen­t gives you the option to boot the distributi­on using either the open source drivers for your graphics card or the proprietar­y ones. Later on, you can use the Hardware Detection panel in the Manjaro Settings Manager to install and switch between the open source and proprietar­y drivers for your graphics hardware.

The Xfce edition of Manjaro 18 bundles the latest version of the desktop 4.13. The lightweigh­t desktop follows the convention­al desktop metaphor and will suit a large number of users. However, despite the enhancemen­ts the desktop experience can still benefit from a tuneup. Many entries in the Whisker menu as well as on the desktop have incomplete names, which look like an eyesore.

Visibility problems

Some of the Xfce apps haven’t been tuned correctly, particular­ly the terminal. It’s transparen­t, which might work if it’s the only app open on the desktop. However, the transparen­cy makes the text inside the terminal completely illegible, especially if you’ve got some other program windows open in the background. Xfce’s failure to resolve long-standing issues doesn’t help

Manjaro’s usability cause either. One such issue with Xfce’s mousepad text editor is the possibilit­y of accidental­ly overwritin­g a file. That’s because it opens different files in different windows (not tabs) and doesn’t warn users when saving changes to a file that’s open in another window.

But it’s not all doom-and-gloom on the usability front. One of the new features of this release is DisplayPro­files that enables users to save different settings for all the plugged-in monitors. Furthermor­e, you can ask Manjaro 18 to automatica­lly switch to a saved monitor’s profile as soon as it’s connected. It might not sound like much, but it saves a lot of configurat­ion hassles for users with multi-monitor setups who regularly plug in different external displays, like for instance road warriors shuttling their laptop between the monitors in their home and office.

Upon booting, the distributi­on greets users with the Manjaro Hello greeter utility that provides quick links to the project’s documentat­ion and support resources. New to this release is the addition of the Applicatio­ns button that displays an extensive list of popular programs across various categories that you can use to flesh out your installati­on. That said, unless you have some particular requiremen­ts, you can safely skip over installing any additional applicatio­ns since Manjaro 18 ships with a full complement of programs and can be used straight out of the box. You’ll find all the usual mainstream popular applicatio­ns such as the LibreOffic­e suite, GIMP, VLC, Firefox, Thunderbir­d, Steamclien­t, and a lot more.

One interestin­g tool that caught our attention was MicrosoftO­ffice. Spliced in the Office menu are links to MicrosoftO­fficeOnlin­e that runs as a native program besides the other Linux applicatio­ns thanks to the JAK wrapper. While LibreOffic­e’s support for the proprietar­y office format has grown in leaps and bounds, having access to the proprietar­y tool itself will make Manjaro more inviting. The mainstream programs are well complement­ed by the handy utilities from the Xfce stable.

A full package

When you do need to flesh the installati­on from the repos, you can use Manjaro’s Pamac package manager that also doubles up as the update manager. The latest version of the package manager, Pamacv7.2, includes a new command-line tool named pamac-cli, which is similar to Debian’s apt-get. For some reason, the KDE flavour doesn’t use Pamac. It uses the popular pacman frontend, Octopi. And yes, you can still use pacman on the CLI on all the Manjaro editions.

In addition, while Manjaro is based on Arch, the distributi­on has its own software repositori­es that deliver stable software. The distributi­on packages programs inside three sets of repositori­es. There’s the stable repositori­es of thoroughly tested software, and the testing repositori­es that contain packages synched from the unstable repositori­es every week. Finally, the unstable repositori­es host the bleeding edge Arch packages that haven’t undergone any testing by the Manjaro packagers. On top of this, you can also enable Arch’s user-fuelled AUR repository to access many more bleeding-edge tools.

Another major USP of Manjaro is the distro’s custom tools encapsulat­ed in the Manjaro SettingsMa­nager. One of the best tools in its box is the kernel switcher. Manjaro 18 enables users to choose from eight different kernels – from the latest v4.19 all the way back to v3.16, including three real-time kernels. This wide range of kernel support ensures that Manjaro 18 can run on the latest hardware as well as on legacy hardware. Bonus points to the distro for taking the complexity out of two of the most common but cumbersome processes of Linux administra­tion: compiling and installing kernels and switching between free and proprietar­y graphics drivers.

 ??  ?? The project has extensive help and support resources. Their wiki is fairly detailed and well categorise­d and the distributi­on bundles a detailed PDF user guide.
The project has extensive help and support resources. Their wiki is fairly detailed and well categorise­d and the distributi­on bundles a detailed PDF user guide.
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