Linux Format

Distro watch

What’s down the side of the free software sofa?


Pal e Moon 28.2.0

A major update for this open source Goanna-based web browser that’s available on both Linux and Windows, has been released. PaleMoon has been designed to focus on efficiency and customisat­ion, and was forked off from its Firefox code a few years ago.

The new version brings a number of bug fixes, as well as general improvemen­ts to the user experience. You can find out all about the new version from the change log at­n.

Voyager Live 18.10

This latest version of the Ubuntu-based distro ditches the Xfce desktop in favour of GNOME, and uses Ubuntu 18.10 as its basis. According to a translatio­n of the release announceme­nt, the switch to GNOME 10 years after the project dropped it is that the GNOME Shell is now “again ergonomic, customisab­le and more flexible than it was in the beginning.”

You can read the rest of the announceme­nt at

Raspbian 2018-11-13

Owners of Raspberry Pi computers and using the Raspbian Debian-based distro, and who mainly use the micro computers for media playing, may want to download the latest release, which includes the popular

VLC media player software.

As the release announceme­nt ( LXFRasbian) notes, VLC is “one of those programs that “‘just works’ for media playback.” The new update also includes Thonny3, a Python developmen­t environmen­t alternativ­e to IDLE.

Slax 9.6.0

A new release of this distro, that was previously based on Slackware Linux but has now be overhauled and based on Debian’s stable branch, is now available, and comes with a number of security and bug fixes. A problem with PXE boot support has also been addressed, so it’s now possible to boot Slax over a network again. For more informatio­n, head over to, which has just had a redesign.

 ??  ?? The inclusion of VLC will suit people using a Raspberry Pi as a media player.
The inclusion of VLC will suit people using a Raspberry Pi as a media player.
 ??  ?? Slax was recently redesigned to be based on Debian, rather than Slackware, and it’s received a new website as well.
Slax was recently redesigned to be based on Debian, rather than Slackware, and it’s received a new website as well.
 ??  ?? Voyager Live returns to GNOME after 10 long years of using Xfce.
Voyager Live returns to GNOME after 10 long years of using Xfce.
 ??  ?? Looking for an alternativ­e to Firefox? Pale Moon is worth checking out.
Looking for an alternativ­e to Firefox? Pale Moon is worth checking out.

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