Linux Format


Can you adapt them as needed?


Despite their fairly large collection of apps, these distros don’t include all the repair and rescue tools available. This is partly because some popular rescue tools have licence restrictio­ns which prevent developers from including them in their distros. In any case, instead of lugging around multiple distros to accomplish different tasks, advanced users and technician­s will prefer to flesh out their favourite distro to include all the tools they need.

If you’re looking to decompile and assemble your own rescue distro, you won’t get far with ALT Linux Rescue, Morpheusar­ch or AIO System Rescue Toolkit. None of them offers the option to customise the distro, although you can use their respective package managers to pull in additional utilities and flesh out the live environmen­t as need. In addition, AIO System Rescue Toolkit has a Lite version that is designed to give inexperien­ced users an opportunit­y to easily fix their installati­on.

On the other hand, one of the marquee features of Systemresc­uecd is its capability to enable anyone to compile customised versions. There were a bunch of scripts to ease the process of remasterin­g older versions of the distro. That process has now been simplified in the newer Arch-based version, in that it can be simply rebuilt using the sources posted in the project’s Git repository. You will need to have an Arch installati­on to be able to run Systemresc­uecd’s build scripts, which are based on the archiso tool.

UBCD’S customisat­ion is on a par with Systemresc­uecd. The project’s website hosts a guide which details the procedure for

extracting the ISO image and then customisin­g the environmen­t, by adding your own floppy and ISO images as well as Freedosbas­ed apps, before compiling a new ISO image. The website documentat­ion also lists the process for updating virus definition­s. One particular benefit of UBCD’S customisat­ion mechanism is that since all the modificati­ons are housed within a single folder, you can easily move to a newer version of UBCD without losing any of the changes you’ve made to the distro.

 ??  ?? The Lite version of AIO System Rescue Kit runs through several repair tools to help fix most common issues with a Windows installati­on.
The Lite version of AIO System Rescue Kit runs through several repair tools to help fix most common issues with a Windows installati­on.

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