Linux Format

Inside the ngine


The Gmcngine comprises a bevy of open source technologi­es:

Nodejs: an open-source, cross-platform Javascript run-time environmen­t that executes Javascript code outside of a browser. All of the back-end work is done in Nodejs.

Expressjs: free and open-source software under the MIT licence. It is designed for building web applicatio­ns and APIS and is the de facto standard server framework for Node.js.

Swagger: an open-source software framework backed by a large ecosystem of tools that helps developers design, build, document, and consume RESTFUL web services.

React: a Javascript library for building user interfaces under the MIT licence.

There are also multiple front-end libraries such as:

Bootstrap: a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first frontend web developmen­t. However, this has been modified a lot to adapt to the Gmcngine styles.

Font-awesome: one of the most popular icon toolkits for web developmen­t. Its licenced under the MIT licence.

Docker: licensed under the Apache licence. Used for virtualisa­tion of the Gmcngine services, it creates Linux machines with the code hosted in a cluster.

Custom developmen­t: ICMEC has created some components that are unique, and is planning on publishing some as standalone libraries. A prime example is one that carries out form validation when entering data.

Many smaller libraries: smaller libraries that help the team to simplify much of their work. Some examples are lodash, md5, shortid, redux and moment.js.

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