Linux Format

Mo Mint, mo problems

- Neil Mohr Editor

There’s no better, friendlier introducti­on to using Linux than Linux Mint. If you’re picking up this magazine for the first time, hello and welcome to Linux: the open, smart, friendly way to use a modern PC. Best of all, it’s all been freed for you to use – liberated, you could say – so you’re free to install it, use it and modify it however you would like to.

Linux and the accompanyi­ng library of open source tools means you’re no longer locked to a single OS vendor, a single desktop or a single app store. Coded and maintained by an army of developers across the globe, this sometimes means things might not be as slick as under macos or Microsoft Windows, but we think that’s more a strength of the Linux open ecosystem – and it’s one that even Microsoft has had to start to embrace.

With the recent release of the new Linux Mint 19.2 we’ve decided to visit how best to install it for a perfect setup. Hopefully both newbies and longtime Linux users will get useful insights into how to better set up their systems and get started guided by our tamed Linux expert Jonni.

As in every issue there’s so much to explore, and it covers a massive range of experience – from basic app installati­on to assembly coding for accessing Linux system calls. We’ve also got both 32- and 64-bit distros this issue, so older machines can stay supported – while we’re looking at lightweigh­t distros in our Roundup, so you can keep older systems running.

We’re also wondering where the world could be headed in the form of the new open source Google OS called Fuchsia with its new Zircon micro-kernel. Could this eventually supplant Linux, or are we just turning pink with envy? It’s a lot to take in as always, but have a play around and enjoy!

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