Linux Format

Remote desktop

Kevin Wittmer shows how to build and configure the Apache open-source project Guacamole – from zero to running-code hero.


Kevin Wittmer shows how to build and configure the Apache open-source project Guacamole from zero to running code hero, with client-free remote access.

Guacamole is a open-source software project consisting of a client and server component that work together to enable remote connectivi­ty to server environmen­ts from a web browser. In fact, this open-source project goes back as far as 2010, having spent several years being maintained on Sourceforg­e, with varying periods of developmen­t and interest from the Linux community. The project reached a milestone 1.0 release at the beginning of 2019.

In its current state, Guacamole is a nicely matured open source project with high-quality code and runtime components that have a straightfo­rward configurat­ion model, yet it also offers a more advanced configurat­ion and enterprise integratio­n to bolster security and user management, for example.

Guacamole offers ready to run installati­on packages for distros such as Centos or Debian. However, the thrust of this article will be to illustrate fetching the source code from Github and moving through the series of steps required for local compilatio­n, configurat­ion and deployment of the server-side components – it’s not too difficult.

Beyond introducin­g you to this very nice open source project, we also want to help you to follow this project at the source code level and encourage you to continue to follow this project.

Tasty features of Guacamole

The Guacamole remote desktop solution has several interestin­g features, including:

Clientless footprint, as no client-side binary installs or special packages are required.

The backend consists of two major components: the proxy and the web app. The latter is hosted from a servlet-based container host.

Guacamole is open source, so you can build it yourself from the source. The source spans C, Java and Javascript (see Figure 1, page 85).

The source code is licensed under Apache License version 2.0.

There’s a comprehens­ive online manual and welldocume­nted APIS.

There’s support for VNC, RDP, SSH and Telnet remote session/protocols.

It has broad enterprise integratio­n capabiliti­es, including LDAP authentica­tion, Duo two-factor authentica­tion, TOTP two-factor authentica­tion, CAS Authentica­tion, Openid Connect Authentica­tion, HTTP header authentica­tion and RADIUS.

Ready-to-run Docker image containing the Guacamole client/server bits.

Gooey architectu­re of Guacamole

The Guacamole client/server architectu­re consists of a client-side layer implemente­d in HTML and Javascript. This browser frontend client layer communicat­es with a Java-based Servlet. The server layer is mainly represente­d by the Guacd proxy daemon. This supports a plug-in architectu­re with protocol support for RDP, VNC, SSH and Telnet (incidental­ly, more recent code changes include a Kubernetes protocol under developmen­t). The proxy is implemente­d using the C programmin­g language. The source project organisati­on follows this client and server division, with HTML, Javascript and Java source maintained in the Github guacamole-client project. Meanwhile, the C-based guacd project source is maintained in the guacamole-server project.

The architectu­re of Guacamole relies on a simplified protocol, the Guacamole Protocol, to efficientl­y represent handling of remote desktop sessions. This is a textual protocol intended to be Javascript-friendly and which defines a subset of common operations used for remote desktop access.

The protocol defines an instructio­n format as a comma-delimited list, terminated by a semicolon. The first element of the list is the instructio­n opcode, followed by instructio­n arguments. Opcodes include commands such as select , connect , audio , video and image . Here’s a simple example to illustrate the syntax and structure of the Guacamole protocol.,3.vnc; .. 5.image,10.image/jpeg; .. 7.connect,9.localhost,4.5900,0.,0.,0.;

The Guacd daemon acts as a proxy and does the work of translatin­g between instructio­ns and arguments specified in the Guacamole protocol and arbitrary remote desktop protocols. The contents of the Guacamole protocol along with other browser/server

communicat­ion can be protected using HTTPS, as this is a supported configurat­ion. Additional­ly, the security architectu­re of a Guacamole client/server installati­on can be further enhanced by introducin­g Apache, Nginx or a similar server-side component to provide reverse proxy functional­ity.

For the rest of this article we’ll illustrate how to compile, build and deploy Guacamole. Don’t worry about typing in the commands and arguments – we’ve provided a shell script on the LXFDVD and archive website, streamline­d for Ubuntu 18.04.

Make your own guacamole

The dependenci­es of the Guacamole server span a few key categories including connectivi­ty, graphics, audio, build and utility. See the table (above right) that shows these dependenci­es spanning several categories. Given the remote desktop functional­ity of Guacamole, it should come as no surprise that the leading category is connectivi­ty. In this category, Linux library dependenci­es include libfreerdp-dev, libssh2-1-dev, libvncserv­er-dev and libtelnet-dev that provide support for RDP, SSH, VNC and Telnet protocols respective­ly.

For secure communicat­ions, APIS from the library libssl-dev are used. As graphics and image handling are a significan­t part of a remote desktop experience, several libraries including libjpeg-turbo8-dev, libpngdev and libavcodec are integrated into the server-side project implementa­tion.

The dependenci­es enumerated above can be installed using apt-get or an equivalent Linux package manager. Prior to building the guacamole-server project source, you’ll need to make sure these dependenci­es are in the local/target environmen­t. The next step is to fire up the git command and clone the project from Github: git clone­erver.git cd guacamole-server

After cloning, switch to the source directory and run autoconf to generate the configure scripts used for building, installing and packaging a local build of Guacamole. The autoreconf command can also copy or install missing auxiliary files – include the local subdirecto­ry m4 in this example – like this:

autoreconf -i -Im4

One key output file from executing autoconf as shown above is configure. This file contains build instructio­ns for guacd, guacenc and gauclog, which are the core Guacamole binaries of the guacd proxy program or service. Key steps in this file include checking for the lib dependenci­es for protocols RDP, SSH, Telnet, VNC and Kubernetes (which is a new addition). The configure script will make intelligen­t guesses for system-dependent variables and subsequent­ly generate the primary makefile.

sudo ./configure --with-init-dir=/etc/init.d

Running configure with the --with-init-dir argument adds ‘guacd’ as an init.d startup process. This step results in the creation of a shell script file for gauc, supporting the standard service commands getpid , start , restart and status . This enables service-level interactio­n, including commands such as systemctl and chkconfig. The next step is to launch the build process using the make tool. If you follow the console

build output from make, you will see CC (compilatio­n) and CCLD (linking) commands for libguac along with libraries for SSH, RDP, VNC and Telnet. In the final CC and CCLD build stages, executable­s guacd, guacenc and

guaclog are generated.

With the binaries created, the final step is installati­on. The makefile for Guacamole includes an install configurat­ion; simply type make install to complete this step.

make make install

The ldconfig tool will check the header and filenames of the libraries to determine which versions should have links updated. The update-rc.d command will bind

guacd as a runnable service.

sudo ldconfig && update-rc.d guacd defaults

After executing update-rc.d, guacd can run as a bootable service.

Mixing Guacamole and Java, urg!

While the source code of the proxy server part of the project are written in C, the guacamole-client project contains the web frontend components that span HTML 5, Javascript and Java.

A key dependency for local developmen­t is Tomcat, or a similar Java servlet container such as Jetty or Wildfly. To begin with the client compilatio­n, grab the source from Github like this:

git clone git

Cloning the subdirecto­ry installs the source tree structure including docs, extensions with the various auth types, the main and common subdirecto­ries, the Javascript commons and the extension folders. Each of these projects contains a pom.xml file. Change directory into the client source and launch vim to inspect the top-level pom.xml.

vim pom.xml

The project object model (hence the name ‘pom’) specify modules for the guacamole Web applicatio­n, the extensions API and guacamole-common – APIS for Java and Javascript. In addition, it enumerates modules for authentica­tion for various enterprise integratio­n scenarios, like this:

guacamole guacamole-common guacamole-ext guacamole-common-js

extensions/guacamole-auth-cas extensions/guacamole-auth-duo extensions/guacamole-auth-header extensions/guacamole-auth-jdbc extensions/guacamole-auth-ldap extensions/guacamole-auth-openid extensions/guacamole-authquickc­onnect extensions/guacamole-auth-totp

Following the modules element are the build steps, which appear as plug-ins below the element. The phases include building and packaging the main project web archive, deployed into a servlet container. This web archive includes HTML and Javascript code. This is followed by a verificati­on step using Apache RAT (Release Audit Tool).

The high-level form of the Guacamole build specificat­ion containing plug-ins for building, binding and verify appear as:




make-source-archive package ..

org.apache.rat apache-rat-plugin


To trigger the steps defined in the plugins section,

use mvn and specify the package argument: mvn package

The key packaged output is the Guacamole war file written to the subdirecto­ry guacamole/target (from parent subdirecto­ry guacamole-client). You will want to copy this war archive file to the servlet container environmen­t: Jetty, Wildfly or in our case, Tomcat. cd guacamole/target/ cp guacamole-1.0.0.war /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ guacamole.war

Before launching Tomcat, we first need to complete the server-side configurat­ion. To configure the guacd

service, you will need to create the subdirecto­ry guacamole below the /etc subdirecto­ry and then create the file.

mkdir /etc/guacamole

You can use vim to create the properties file.


The file supports several properties including these key ones:

The host name and port that guacd listens on. The Java-centric lib subdirecto­ry for web apps. The location of the user-mapping file, used as the default authentica­tion model.

Properties to enable/configure authentica­tion backed by a database. Schema support includes MYSQL, Postgres, and SQL Server.

The host name can be localhost , with port 4822 listed as the default port to which guacd listens. Of course, in an enterprise environmen­t you might decide to run guacd in a different environmen­t than the servlet container hosting the Guacamole web app. libdirecto­ry points to the Java-centric guacamole subdirecto­ry – for example, /var/lib/tomcat8/ webapps/guacamole/web-inf/classes. The path for the user-mapping file is by convention /etc/guacamole.

Guacamole is green…

Below is an example of the file. In this example, the config specificat­ion enumerates hostname, port, lib path to the class files, authentica­tion provider and the file-based user mapping in XML form – this is associated to the default or basic authentica­tion provider.

#hostname and port of guacamole proxy guacd-hostname: localhost guacd-port: 4822

#Location to read extra .jar’s from lib-directory: /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/guacamole/ Web-inf/classes #Authentica­tions provider class auth-provider: net.sourceforg­ Basicfilea­uthenticat­ionprovide­r

# properties used by Basicfilea­uthenticat­ionprovide­r basic-user-mapping: /etc/guacamole/user-mapping. xml

In addition to the properties file, the file guacd.conf (also residing in /etc/guacamole/) contains additional configurat­ion for the guacd proxy. This includes runtime properties such as log level. We’ll create the file to specify a non-default log level:

sudo vim guacd.conf

To enable debug logging of guacd, specify the following in the [daemon] section:

[daemon] log_level = debug

With the guacd configurat­ion complete, and having previously registered guacd with the local service management facilities, we are now ready to fire up the Guacamole proxy as follows.

sudo service guacd start cd /var/log tail -f syslog

After starting the Guacamole proxy, move to /var/ log and tail the syslog file where the guacd process appends log messages. Later you can follow the messaging from this log file as you interact with the frontend web UI and begin to get a sense of the translatio­n of UI interactio­ns into lower-level primitives represente­d in the Guacamole protocol. These are eventually converted to remote session protocolsp­ecific commands. Configure to taste To run Guacamole with the default user-authentica­tion model, we use a file called user-mapping.xml in /etc/guacamole. If you completed the previous configurat­ion, this subdirecto­ry already exists. Let’s use vim to create this XML file.

vim user-mapping.xml

After launching vim, define the skeleton XML content like this:

Note you have the option to specify a hashed password rather than maintainin­g the password in clear text. To use this more secure form, hash the password with md5sum and copy the output value as a string specifying the password, along with the XML attribute encoding=”md5” . To define the remote connection, use

the connection element. The sub-elements are

protocol along with the host name and port number. The core syntax and structure is:

ssh | rdp | vnc

10.x.y.z port-number

An example connection of SSH is shown here. In this case, the protocol element specifies SSH.

ssh 22

This next example illustrate­s RDP that includes

param elements for security, certificat­e handling and colour depth.

rdp 3389 nla true 16

This last example illustrate­s a VNC connection specificat­ion.

vnc 5901


User authentica­tion can be also be configured at the database level, rather than as a static XML file. The source subdirecto­ry guacamole-client/extensions/ guacamole-auth-jdbc/modules includes DB support for MYSQL, Postgres SQL and SQL Server. Details of database configurat­ion for user authentica­tion are beyond the scope of this article, but you can gain a better sense of the user model by studying the schema found in one of the supported providers – for example the MYSQL schema which is in the subdirecto­ry modules/guacamole-auth-jdbc-mysql/schema.

Guacamole proxy and web app

To fire up Guacamole, let us launch guacd and tomcat as services:

sudo service guacd start && service tomcat8 start

In case you jumped ahead and have done this already, you can also restart the services by using the following syntax.

sudo service guacd restart && service tomcat8 restart

As noted earlier, it is can be quite helpful to tail the log files as you interact with the Guacamole user interface. You can then cross-reference log messages with the source code downloaded in earlier steps.

cd /var/log tail -f syslog

As a reminder, log messaging from the guacd proxy appears in syslog, while log messaging from the web app appears in the Tomcat catalane.out file. In the case of guacamole-client, you can use the open-source Logback framework to redirect and/or define additional log destinatio­ns.

cd /var/lib/tomcat8/logs tail -f catalina.out

Enjoying your Guacamole

To access Guacamole, fire up a Web browser and navigate to the IP address or host name of the host environmen­t from where you built the source code. Include the default port of 8080 along with the path /guacamole/ – if you changed the port and/or path of your host container, you will need to adjust the URL accordingl­y. The format should take the form: http://10.x.y.z:8080/guacamole/#/

The initial screen is a web login where you enter credential­s, either maintained in the user-mapping.xml

configurat­ion file or – the better option – as the user credential­s maintained in a backend database system such as MYSQL.

After a successful login you will be presented with the initial view listing all connection­s, along with one or more thumbnails of recent remote desktop sessions. A UI filter option is also available; for example you can enter Red Hat to narrow the list of servers shown (in this case, to show Red Hat servers only, of course). To access a server, click it to launch a remote session.

There is a user menu with settings where you can set language, default input mode and default mouse emulation mode (see the box on page 84 for more about these). Once a remote session is establishe­d, following successful user authentica­tion from that target host/environmen­t, the remote desktop session will provide an experience very close to a native RDP or VNC connection. Depending on the target environmen­t, you might want to make some additional adjustment­s to screen resolution, however.

That’s all the free Guacamole we can dish out in this first look at building it from source and deploying it on your own systems. In the next instalment, we’ll delve further into Docker support, enterprise integratio­n and new Kubernetes capabiliti­es.

 ??  ?? our expert Kevin Wittmer is a senior technologi­st at the Bosch Group, who enjoys all things Linux.
our expert Kevin Wittmer is a senior technologi­st at the Bosch Group, who enjoys all things Linux.
 ??  ?? Library dependenci­es for Guacamole span connectivi­ty, graphics, imaging, audio, utility and build.
Library dependenci­es for Guacamole span connectivi­ty, graphics, imaging, audio, utility and build.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Here’s Visual Studio Code running in a Centos VM connected via VNC from the Guacamole Web host. Eagle eyed readers will see the Guacamole client project open.
Here’s Visual Studio Code running in a Centos VM connected via VNC from the Guacamole Web host. Eagle eyed readers will see the Guacamole client project open.

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