Linux Format


This issue we asked our experts: It’s the final Linux Format of 2019, what open source are you looking forward to in the coming year of 2020?


Jonni Bidwell

More crippling CPU vulnerabil­ities please. Oh and Edge on Linux. There are probably lots of open source treats awaiting our delectatio­n. New Ubuntus and Mints. Linux on phones (done differentl­y this time). Installing Arch on my laptop, which I’ve actually been meaning to do all of this year. Maybe they’ll even let me out of the office again.

Christian Crawley

After many false starts, 2020 could be the year that Linux finds a home on mobile. Librem 5 should finally be on general release, Pinephone is upon us, and Ubports’ continuati­on of Ubuntu Touch is also looking good. I expect 2020 to be the year we put Linux in our pockets!

Les Pounder

In 2020 I am looking forward to an open source smartwatch called Bangle.js, which I have just backed on Kickstarte­r. The ability to hack my watch and write my own projects with it is exciting! I could make an app to locate burgers and Raspberry Pi as I walk around town!

Mayank Sharma

I am looking forward to some open source from Microsoft. It’s made lots of noise about joining the Open Invention Network and donating thousands of patents to protect Linux. Microsoft shows up regularly at major open source conference­s and have several open source projects for developers. I’m now looking forward to some for end-users.

Alexander Tolstoy

You know, Microsoft Edge is coming to Linux in 2020. I wish Mikes open-sourced and ported more of its software to Linux, preferably the whole Office suite including great (yet less known) things like Publisher. (you’re fired–ed)

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