Linux Format

Distro watch

What’s behind the free software sofa?



The latest release of Zorin OS, an Ubuntu-based distro that’s aimed at beginners who use older or low-powered PCS, has been released. Version 15 has had a refreshed Xfce 4.14-based desktop. It has been designed to be particular­ly easy to use for new users, especially those who are coming from Windows 7, which enters its end of life phase in January 2020. The idea with Zorin OS 15 Lite is that they can install the new operating system and continue to get years of use out of their old PC. Find out more at:­n.


This new version of the user-friendly distro with built-in support for graphics and sound cards, and wide support for multimedia playback, has been released. It comes in a number of editions with different desktop environmen­ts, and each one has been updated. The KDE version comes with the Darkstar kernel 5.3.10, along with an updated desktop. Meanwhile, the MATE edition comes with the new kernel 5.3.10 and updated apps and libraries.

Find out more at:­nux.


Project Trident is an operating system that used to be based on Trueos and FREEBSD. However, it now uses Void as its base, and the first developmen­t snapshot with the new base has been released, giving us a hint at what this next version of Project Trident can offer. As Void Linux package repositori­es are constantly updated, the image is a complete net-install implementa­tion. To find out more and give the early version a whirl, head to:­ecttrident.


The latest stable version of this Freebsd-based OS for NAS (network-attached storage) devices has been released. This version updates the FREEBSD base system to version 12.1. There have also been WEBGUI code and framework improvemen­ts, updated drivers and updates to Virtualbox, sudo, Samba and other tools as well. It’s well worth checking out the release announceme­nt at­a for the full rundown of new features, as well as instructio­ns on how to safely install the new version.

 ??  ?? Zorin OS 15 is a great choice for ex-windows 7 users who want a modern OS to put on their old PCS.
Zorin OS 15 is a great choice for ex-windows 7 users who want a modern OS to put on their old PCS.
 ??  ?? PCLINUXOS is a rolling release, so you don’t need to do a clean install with each update.
PCLINUXOS is a rolling release, so you don’t need to do a clean install with each update.
 ??  ?? You can try out an early version of the post-trueos version of Project Trident.
You can try out an early version of the post-trueos version of Project Trident.
 ??  ?? Xigmanas is an operating system for NAS devices based on FREEBSD.
Xigmanas is an operating system for NAS devices based on FREEBSD.

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