Linux Format

Pi camera motion

Jonni Bidwell does his bit for the surveillan­ce state by setting up motiontrig­gered recording on the Raspberry Pi. He’s got his beady eyes on you!

- Jonni Bidwell is fairly contrary. His garden grows with silver bells and cockle shells and Raspberry Pis all in a row.

Jonni Bidwell does his bit for the surveillan­ce state by setting up motiontrig­gered recording on the Raspberry Pi. He’s got his beady eyes on you!

There are all sorts of things you can do with a Pi and a camera – some of which we dare not mention, and some of which we’ve already covered. Back in LXF265, for example, we showed you how to make a Pi bodycam. We’ve also done stopmotion video (LXF249) and a neat Pi camera booth (LXF248). Way, way back in LXF195 we also made a motion-detecting camera, and we thought it’d be good to revisit this because it’s actually much simpler to set up now. One applicatio­n for this project is filming wildlife in your garden. Depending on your local climate, you’ll want to waterproof your Pi beforehand and there are a number of external cases that can do just this. You’ll need to have some means of powering it too. We used a Pijuice HAT, which you can connect to an external USB battery or solar panel to top up.

There are a few options software wise, but we’re going to use the same motion software used by Kent Elchuk in our previous motion-detecting tutorial. This will connect to your home wireless network, and enable you to stream via a web browser. By default, the stream will be quite low quality (one Jpeg image per second, which will save battery power). When motion is detected (when a pre-determined number of pixels in the image, subject to some filtering, have changed) the camera will start recording until the motion stops and save a higherqual­ity video file.

Choose your Pi

This will work on a Pi 2 or Pi Zero, at least at low resolution­s, but we’d recommend a Pi 3 or 4. That way you get wireless for free (you can use motion offline or via a wired network though). We used a one of the original 5MP Pi Cameras, specifical­ly the NO-IR 1.3, but you’ll achieve better results if you have a newer one. Motion works on other Linux distros, so you can use it if you have a network camera, or any V4L- or Uvccompati­ble camera, you can use it on your Linux box.

We’ll start with a vanilla Raspberry Pi OS Lite (formerly Raspbian Lite) install, which occupies around 1GB of an SD card. Bear in mind that video we’re going to save video on here too, so we’d recommend at least an 8GB SD card to start with. Connect your camera using the ribbon cable and make sure it’s sitting snugly in there. Even if you have a monitor and keyboard to get your Pi set up, we’d still recommend setting up SSH and wireless connectivi­ty before doing anything else. It would be terribly annoying to have everything else working and then be let down by dodgy wireless signals, after all your efforts.

New versions of Raspberry Pi Linux disable the SSH server by default, but you can enable it by putting an empty file named ssh on the FAT32 partition (the one visible in Windows) on the SD card, where all the boot files are stored. To automatica­lly connect to a wireless network on boot, create a wpa_supplicant.conf file in the same location, with contents of the form: ctrl_interface=dir=/var/run/wpa_supplicant

Group=netdev update_config=1 country=gb

network={ ssid="your network name/ssid” psk="your WPA/WPA2 security key” key_mgmt=wpa-psk }

Save the file, unmount the card, pop it into the Pi and boot it up. If your OS supports .local name look ups, and there are no other Pis on your network, you should be able to SSH to your Pi by opening a terminal and running $ ssh pi@raspberryp­i.local

otherwise you can use Nmap, your router, or if you must, a monitor and keyboard, to locate your Pi by IP address and then use that after the @ in the above command. Either way, log in using the default raspberry password. You should update your Pi at this stage, with: $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt upgrade

If you’re using a HAT to provide power to your Pi, set that up now. Pijuice provides a handy Python script that shows you power levels and charging status. It also gives you the luxury of a power button so you can cleanly shut it down if network connectivi­ty is lost. You’ll also want to activate the camera by running

$ sudo raspi-config

and visiting the Interfacin­g Options menu. Check that it is working by doing raspistill -o test.jpg . If the camera’s red light turns on, but you see an error message, the connection might be dodgy (or your camera might be broken). Turn it off, reseat the connection and try again in this case.

There’s an older version of Motion in the repos, but it’s straightfo­rward enough to get the new version from Github (which supports more hardware), so let’s do that. Check the project page to see if a newer version than 4.3.1 is available, and if so change the digits in the command below. Grab the latest deb with:

$ wget releases/download/release-4.3.1/pi_buster_ motion_4.3.1-1_armhf.deb

We could install the dependenci­es by hand (all 730MB of them), but it’s easier to use Gdebi:

$ sudo apt install gdebi-core

$ sudo gdebi pi_buster_motion_4.3.1-1_armhf.deb

Enable the Motion daemon by editing /etc/default/ motion and changing ‘no’ to ‘yes’. Motion has an extensive array of options (see them all at https://, but we only need to configure a few to get started. Edit the /etc/motion/motion.conf file and then set the following options: target_dir /var/lib/motion stream_localhost off

This saves data in Motion own directory, and enables us to connect from the stream from another device on our LAN. Now start Motion with:

$ sudo systemctl start motion

and check things are working by visiting http:// raspberryp­i.local:8081 (or use your Pi’s IP address). You may need to tweak the rotation parameter in the configurat­ion file and restart the service if the stream is upside down. The default motion-detecting settings should work well.

So if you now go and wave like a crazy person in front of your camera, then you should find a .mkv file has been saved in the /var/lib/motion directory. These are helpfully named by date, and it’s handy to browse these graphicall­y by pressing Ctrl+l in your file manager and entering sftp://pi:raspberry@raspberryp­i.local/var/lib/ motion (again use the IP address if .local addressing isn’t working for you). Hit F5 periodical­ly to refresh this, then copy new files to your home folder and watch the recorded activities.

If your Pi has enough grunt to handle it and you want better quality recordings, look at boosting the framerate and movie_quality parameters.

 ??  ?? It’s pretty easy to put together some makeshift weather-proofing equipment for your garden surveillan­ce unit.
It’s pretty easy to put together some makeshift weather-proofing equipment for your garden surveillan­ce unit.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? The Pijuice HAT is easy to set up with a handy utility to monitor its charging status.
The Pijuice HAT is easy to set up with a handy utility to monitor its charging status.

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