Linux Format

Distro watch

What’s behind the free software sofa?



Linux Format is the home of open source, including alternativ­e -nix operating systems, such as FreeBSD. Although the OS is a popular choice for servers, it supports a number of desktop environmen­ts and window managers for those willing to manually install the packages. The latest stable release includes better support for installing on SD cards, updated versions of OpenSSH and OpenSSL, and integratio­n for VPN interface using WireGuard. Read more at

CACHYOS 20230917

CachyOS was first released in late 2022. It’s based on Arch Linux with a heavily optimised kernel BORE (Burst-Oriented Response Enhancer) scheduler. The distro has its own repositori­es, and desktop packages are compiled with LTO and x86-64-v3 optimisati­on, security flags and performanc­e improvemen­ts, especially for older Nvidia and AMD cards. Downloads are available for multiple desktop environmen­ts including Plasma and Gnome. The OS also supports multiple boot environmen­ts and has its own Firefox-based browser.

KAOS 23.09

Kaos describes itself as a “lean KDE distributi­on”. Although it’s inspired by Arch, the operating system is built from scratch and maintains its own package repositori­es (managed via Pacman). Besides using Plasma 5.27.8, it also bundles the Qt toolkit, as well as the LibreOffic­e suite. The current build is based on v6.4.16 of the Linux kernel. The KaOS team has also recently released a ‘preview’ ISO using the Plasma 6 desktop.

MANJARO 23.0.2

Manjaro Linux is a fast, desktop-orientated OS based on Arch Linux. Its developers claim that the distributi­on is designed to be user-friendly. The fact that it follows a stable rolling release model is good proof of this, as well as the fact that it uses Pacma, a graphical front-end for Pacman. Installati­on is handled by the ever-intuitive Calamares. The latest Manjaro release ‘Uranos’ is available with Gnome 44, Plasma 5.27 LTS or the Xfce 4.18 desktop environmen­ts.

FATDOG64 900

Based on Puppy Linux, this is a 64-bit desktop build, which as the name suggests, is a somewhat more porky install than the original Puppy iteration. Version 900 is based on Linux From Scratch 11.3 (replacing LFS 8.2 that the 800 series was using), and the release notes point out that this has initial HiDPI support with Kernel 6.1.46. For full details, rush to

 ?? ?? Kaos is Arch-inspired and comes with the KDE Plasma desktop.
Kaos is Arch-inspired and comes with the KDE Plasma desktop.
 ?? ?? Manjaro uses the Calamares installer and Pacma.
Manjaro uses the Calamares installer and Pacma.
 ?? ?? CachyOS is designed for optimised performanc­e.
CachyOS is designed for optimised performanc­e.
 ?? ?? The RSPCA might take a dim view of this canine’s diet.
The RSPCA might take a dim view of this canine’s diet.
 ?? ?? FreeBSD code is used in OS X and the PlayStatio­n 4.
FreeBSD code is used in OS X and the PlayStatio­n 4.

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