Linux Format


- Stuart Burns is a Linux administra­tor for a Fortune 500 company specialisi­ng in Linux.

As night follows day, a new kernel release has dropped. The 6.5 kernel seems to be general fixes for various bugs (for the x86/64 platform). There is also word that, separately, there is going to be a new version of the Vulkan graphics drivers for Intel Ark-based GPUs that teases at significan­t speed increases.

In the non-technical world, you’ll be glad to read that the encrypted message intercepts submitted in the UK Online Safety Bill weren’t codified into law. The government says they won’t be made law until technicall­y feasible, so will more than likely be looking to resurrect this in the future. Obviously, the policy makers don’t understand that encryption is everything or nothing!

Within the corporate world, interestin­g things are afoot. The RHEL closed-source bun fight is bearing fruit for Red Hat. Except, it’s not. I have been told by people in the know that Oracle will no longer be promising oneto-one bug compatibil­ity. That means OEL will be doing its own thing post 9.2, but it did promise to try to maintain compatibil­ity.

I’m also hearing that a lot of companies are abandoning RHEL/OEL for Ubuntu. Mostly due to cost and it being stable enough to run production workloads. That is not to say Ubuntu is better, just that the costs are far less, even if some of the support tools around large estate management are rather lacking. RHEL used to be the platform to build for but there is now a feeling, post-RHEL temper tantrum, that there is a lot more sense in using Ubuntu as a tested reference platform.

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