Linux Format

Parallel Disk Usage

Version: 0.9.0 Web: crates/parallel-disk-usage


Linux has no dearth of tools for reporting disk usage. One of the most frequently used routes is to restrict the output of Du using its plethora of options, before piping the output into a variety of other tools, such as Sort.

While this works for small directorie­s, on much larger ones it doesn’t just take a considerab­le amount of time, but without the right options, also produces illegible output. That’s where Parallel Disk Usage (PDU) steps in. Not only is it a lot faster than plain old Du, but it also produces visually appealing output.

PDU’s written in Rust and can be installed with its Cargo package manager. To install Cargo, you’ll first have to install Rust with curl -sSf | sh . This downloads a script and starts the installati­on. When it’s done, it automatica­lly installs Cargo. Once you have Cargo, you can use it to install PDU with

cargo install parallel-disk-usage --bin pdu .

The pdu command displays the disk usage chart of the current directory. You can also specify the path of a directory, such as pdu ~/Downloads to view its usage.

PDU displays all the files and directorie­s beneath your chosen destinatio­n, along with their relationsh­ips, their size and an incredibly useful bar chart that gives you a quick overview of which files and folders are taking the most space. And it does all this in the blink of an eye, irrespecti­ve of the size of the directory.

By default, the chart shows a percentage value for how much of the destinatio­n space a specific file or directory is taking up. For a CLI app, this is a wonderful way to get a better understand­ing of the disk usage, and can help you find hidden cache directorie­s that might have ballooned to incredible sizes.

 ?? ?? Like all good CLI utilities, PDU offers options for everything from customisin­g its output chart to limiting trawling depth, and a lot more.
Like all good CLI utilities, PDU offers options for everything from customisin­g its output chart to limiting trawling depth, and a lot more.

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