Linux Format


Version: 2.0.9 Web: https://github. com/JoseExposi­to/touche


If you use a laptop or touchscree­n, you can increase your productivi­ty by installing

Touché. It’s a multi-touch gesture configurat­or that helps you use the touchpad more efficientl­y.

Touché is basically a graphical wrapper around the

Touchégg utility, which runs in the background and does all the heavy lifting. So, before you install Touché you need to grab Touchégg.

The good thing is it’s probably already installed on your distro if you use recent versions of Linux Mint, Pop!_OS, Elementary OS or Zorin OS. It is also available in the official repos of some distros, such as Fedora, and can be installed with sudo dnf install touchegg .

Ubuntu users must grab it via its official PPA:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:touchegg/stable $ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt install touchegg

Next, grab Touché as a Flatpak with flatpak install flathub com.github.joseexposi­to.touche .

While you can use Touché on any desktop environmen­t, if you’re using the Gnome desktop, you should also install the X11 Gestures Gnome Shell extension (­to/gnomeshell-extension-x11gesture­s).

The app has a straightfo­rward interface. At the top you have three tabs to control the gestures for swipe, pinch and taps. Note, however, that tap gestures are only available on touchscree­ns. On the left you have the option to define these gestures globally, as well as per individual applicatio­n.

By default, Touché lists a couple of apps, but you can use the + button to add any open applicatio­n.

Defining the gestures is pretty straightfo­rward as well. By default, the app enables certain gestures. To define a custom action, scroll down the list of gestures and use the pull-down menu to select from one of the predefined actions.

 ?? ?? While the majority of gestures on Touché work on touchpads, certain gestures listed towards the end work only on touchscree­ns.
While the majority of gestures on Touché work on touchpads, certain gestures listed towards the end work only on touchscree­ns.

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